Chapter 10 - Eviction

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Sofia's P.O.V.

After I found out I was basically homeless in less than 24 hours I did the most logical thing. Sleep. I decided that there was nothing I could do at 9.30PM anyway.


'I'm so sorry, I know it must look really bad.' I spoke across the line to Elisha.

I found the number to Elisha's dry cleaners on the internet early this morning. I had no choice but to call off today's shift and I just had to pray that she would want me back in a few days and not fire me before I even started. I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen, I mean that would just about be the cherry on the top of my list of problems right now.

'It's absolutely fine, love. I understand sometimes problems just pop up out of no where. Whatever it is that has happened I hope you can fix it soon anyway and if you need any help don't be afraid to give me a call.'

Well, not unless you fancy giving me roughly £600 a month to pay of my rent.

'Thanks, Elisha. I hope I can get this sorted quickly and get back to helping you.'

'Oh don't you worry about helping me, love. I'll manage. Take your time and get yourself sorted out first, no rush.'

'You're an angel! Thanks so much!'

'You're welcome, and good luck with it. It sounds serious whatever it is.'

'I'm sure I'll manage.' Positive thinking. That will surely help, right.

'Okay then, love. I've got to get on with this stack of clothes now but see you soon I hope.'

'Don't make me feel guilty but yeah I'll see you soon.'

'Hahaha, sorry. Bye Sofia.'

'Talk to you soon, bye.' I said and ended the call. Well that couldn't have gone any better. I'm so lucky that Elisha is easy going and relaxed like that, I swear if I ever have another pushy, uptight boss I will pull my hair out!

'Sissy, I'm rweady.' Tia called whilst she ran towards me.

'Well done, Ti Ti.' I complemented as I swooped her up into my arms and twirled her around.

'Where are we going?' She asked as she played with her hair that fell past her shoulders.

'I am going to run some errands whilst you go to Chelsea's for a bit.' I said and Tia pouted.

'Why can't I rwun errands with oo.' She sulked.

'Come on Tia, no sulking. You're going to Chelsea's I thought you'd like that, no?' I reasoned whilst poking her pouted lip back into its normal position.

'Hm, si!' She said excitedly. God I swear kids are bipolar!

'Come on then. Chelsea's mum said she'd make you pancakes for breakfast.' I said knowing that this will make her rush.

'PANCAKES?! VAMOS, SISSY!' (PANCAKES?! COME ON SISSY!)' She exclaimed excitedly and ran towards the door. I chuckled and followed her footsteps to where she was standing.

'Open the door, open the door!' Tia shouted whilst jumping up and down trying to reach the handle that was just out of her reach. I laughed and pulled the door open. Tia ran out in a flash and I had to run to catch up with her after locking the door.


'Thanks so much for looking after Tia for the day, Luce. Honestly, you will not believe the past few months I've had!' I ranted to Lucy, Chelsea's mum.

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