Chapter 1 - Work

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Sofia's P.O.V

*beep beep beep*


*beep beep beep*

Just typical. Just as I get to the good part of the dream, my thoughts are cut off!

*beep beep beep*


'Stupid alarm clock.' I muttered under my breath.

I slapped my hand down on my phone which is beeping continuously at me and rolled over on my double bed so that I-



Yup, that's right... I literally FELL OUT OF BED!

'I guess that's one way of getting up.' I mentally told myself as I dusted myself off and tugged down on my over-sized, white tee, which rose past my butt as I took my tumble.

Right. I best have a quick shower and then get Tia up for pre-school.

40 minutes later

Ok. So I may have lied...

My 'quick showers' are never actually 'quick'. More like... Lengthy. I can't help hair! I have dark ebony hair which, when in its natural state, is curly and falls to just below my boob. I got it from my mum. She had the most beautiful dark brown locks. The same as mine almost, just hers was slightly lighter in colour and a tighter curl. I, unfortunately, took to my dad's genes with the colour of my hair. Ergh. Just the word 'dad' makes my skin crawl.

Dad. A person who is meant to be kind and loving to his children and supposedly be protective over his daughters.

My dad. A cruel man named Diego Mateo Fernandez, who used and abused his wife and when she passed away 3 years ago, started abusing me.

Get a grip, Sofia. You'll be late to work and you certainly don't want to give Martin an excuse to have his 'private words' with you again.

Ah how could I forget. Martin.

My charming boss. Always kind. Always helpful. Always professional.

And if you couldn't tell already... That was sarcasm.

Martin. About the most piggiest, sleaziest, unprofessional guy I've met on this planet.

When I came over to England I was desperate for a job. I had barely any money, no family who could help me out and no friends either. I originally wanted to be an accountant or a personal assistant but I guess your priorities are more important. I had Tia with me and she is my number 1 priority. I had to get a job fast or we'd stave to death or not be able to pay for the hotel and end up on the streets. Luckily that didn't happen. I found a little cafe nearby and applied. I gave in my C.V and before I even had an interview, I was hired. Strange right? I'm pretty sure it was for the fact that I was wearing my tight jeans that day with a big rip on the thigh. Or the fact I had a little cleavage showing.

I'm no 'slut' or 'slag' or whatever you want to call it. It's fashion and, quite frankly, I believe that I should be allowed to wear whatever the hell I want without men staring at me as though I'm some slab of meat. Anyway, ever since that day, Martin has been constantly on my case for a date or some 'one to one time with each other' as he likes to call it. Also, ever since that day, I wear baggy tops and baggy jeans to work. Ironic, huh.

MY CASANOVA CEOTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang