Chapter 3 - Mr García

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Sofia's P.O.V

*Beep beep*

*Beep beep*

*Beep beep*


I swiped my alarm on my phone off and this time carefully stepped out of bed.

Whoever the boss of this company is clearly a dick. Who sets up an interview at 7 A.M?!


It should be illegal to do shit like that.

After a quick shower I grabbed a smart looking outfit from my wardrobe.

Today I went for an outfit that screamed 'I'm classy, hire me' so hopefully looks do count. I chose a grey, semi-fitted dress which came to just above the knee with some black heels. It flattered my skin tone and made me look very professional, if I say so myself. I only had a few bits of jewellery which my mum left me before she died. I slipped the silver ring on my finger and added the silver necklace, which matched. It was very minimalistic but looked nice.

For my hair I decided I'd style it in a sleek high ponytail. It took me about half an hour to straighten my whole head of hair. It's a good thing a woke up so early! I brushed my edges flat with a fine tooth comb and then began on my makeup, which consisted of some brown eyeliner, mascara, highlighter and a dark lip.

Ta da.

I look very employable.


'TAXI!' I called out.

Isabella, Tia's babysitter, had arrived and I rushed out of the door with a Kellogg's brunch bar in my hand. It was now 6.45 A.M and I was behind schedule.

'TAXI!' I called again, praying that one would stop and my feet. I couldn't afford a car yet so I had to find my way around via public transport or grab a taxi, which is harder than it looks in a busy city like London.

'Thank you, Jesus.' I mumbled and hopped in the taxi that just pulled up.

'Where to, Miss?' The driver asked me.

'García's Industries.' I said feeling happy in myself that I got a job opportunity so soon after I quit my other job.

'Very well.' The driver announced and started driving.

Shortly after the taxi pulled up to a huge building. I gazed up at it before realising that I was on a tight schedule.

'Thanks.' I said as I shoved the taxi driver £10.

'No worries, enjoy your day.' 

'That's if I haven't missed the interview! I'm late!' I thought to myself before swinging my bag over my shoulder and rushing off through the big, posh gates and towards a set of glass double-doors.

As I rushed through the doors I was met by a woman who looked like she was in her mid twenties.

'Hello, how can I help.' She asked me kindly and flashed me a genuine smile. She had wavy, short hair, which was blonde in colour and she looked a bit taller than me.

'Am I too late for the interviews?' I asked concerned.

Please say no, please say no...

'I'm afraid so. They started 5 minutes ago, sorry.' She said apologetically.

'Is there no way I could sneak in? I'm only 5 minutes late.' I pleaded.

MY CASANOVA CEONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ