[ 33 ] Word Twister

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Song: Let me go - Alesso

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Song: Let me go - Alesso

I was shocked. I felt like I was swept up in a tornado. Okay, maybe not so extreme but I was still pretty overwhelmed. But my feelings weren't going to change the fact that he currently had half-naked photos of River in his hand.

Seeing the golden opportunity, I tried to reach for my phone again but he snatched it away before sniggering. "Sneaky but not sneaky enough."

"Give it back!" I said in despair but he only laughed at me.
Shiny eyed, he looked at me. "Think about how much money you'd make if this went out to the public!

Money? Money! I didn't care about money. I had enough from directing that video. Anyway, did he think money was more important than River's career? "What? No! That's unfair. I took these photos for a deal and everything's been sorted out now."

It was true. I had used them for blackmail and it was all done with. "Mckayla, being fair doesn't matter in the media world. I'd thought you'd know that by now."

Who was he? My dad? He didn't have a damn say on what I should and shouldn't know. "Yeah but like I said, it's not fair. And I'd appreciate my phone back thank you."

He laughed sourly, "Harley's told me everything that's happened and surely after all that's happened, you don't care about him anymore?"

Freddie knew everything? Everything? So that probably means he purposefully made me report of River even though he knew how I felt. That was cruel, cruel stuff. What bugged me more was what he just asked me.

I rolled my eyes. Of course I didn't care about River anymore. He was long gone and I was well, in the process of getting over him. But still, I felt a little bit of guilt if I did give these photos in. "It would be wrong to still publish them-"

"But surely you don't care about him so it shouldn't matter to you whether or not they get published?" he interrupted me. If he wasn't giving me a chance to explain myself, then it was pointless me speaking.

"But it's not fair-" I started but he cuts me off again. Being cut off was more frustrating than anything else. What annoyed me even more was that he was confusing me and my already unstable feeling.

Freddie tapped his fingers agains his chin, as he was the most leisureful man in the world, "But if you don't care about him, or simply hate him, then wouldn't you be overjoyed?"

Damn, did I miss how he could twist my words immediately? I was stammering, unable to understand how we got to this point in a conversation. From a phone to this? I tried to keep a level mind and reply. "I-I-I am happy with the idea," I said blindly.

He stood up, smacking his hands together in a way that is eerily similar to Harley, now that I know they're brothers. Trust me, I wouldn't have guess that they're related at all since they look absolutely nothing a like. Harley was blonde whilst Freddie had black hair, although it was pretty hard to tell with the number of grey hairs it was blurred with. "Great! Let's do it then."

Wait what? I couldn't do that. "No!" The words slipped out of my mouth a lot louder than I originally anticipated. I slowly lifted my eyes at him, to see his raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"

He was beginning to remind me more and more of Harley.

"B-B-Because... uh, because..." I fell short of what to say. I was losing track of this conversation by the minute.

Freddie raised his other eyebrow as I fall silent again. In that moment something dawned on me and I felt myself involuntarily gasp. Ew, I sounded like Clara. Either way, I had to do something. My heart was overpowering my mind. Was I prepared to spend the rest of my life listening to his songs and stalking him in Pinterest? Did I want to do that until I was a wrinkly old raisin on a rocking chair whilst he partied with some young chick?

Uh, no.

The ball was in my court now. To be fair, he had tried to carry out a dramatic airport scene and I did kinda shut him down. Oops.

"Does he still matter to me?" I found myself asking. Wait, that didn't matter. I already knew he did. The question was, did I matter to him? "He's probably replaced me with some other girl by now. But I guess there's no harm trying?"

I momentarily imagined going to meet him only to find him with someone else. Ugh, that would be awkward. But it was worth the risk. Right?

My eyes flicked back over to Freddie who was now tapping away at my phone. He met my eyes briefly before going back to what he was doing, "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your little monologue."

"STOP!" I screamed dramatically, lunching forward in a dive and grabbed my phone out of his hand. Finally. I looked at the screen and return horrified at the sight of numerous selfies of Freddie.

"What?" I asked confused. This guy was weirder that I thought. He bursted out laughing, choking a little. I winced as I saw a little flem fly into the air. I stood feeling a little stupid and not quite getting the joke. Yet again.

He tutted, standing up. "Of course I wasn't going to actually publish them. I just said that so that you realise you need to do something. Harley told me he saw something between you two since day one and urged me to make you do something." Freddie wiggled his eyebrows, "Harl told me that River seems pretty depressed without you and just so happened to see you sobbing on TV at the mention of him."

Are you kidding me? I fell to my knees. River saw me like that? I smacked my head on the floor again and again. "I. Want. To. Die."

"You okay, there?" I heard him ask mockingly as I come back into my knees. I fell short of words and instead settle on a glare at him.

"Ooh, and I've messaged him saying that you want to meet him in an hour," he casually drops in as I stare at him.
"N-not funny, Freddie," I stuttered. I hadn't had any communication with him since back in New York. I wasn't prepared to see him. I couldn't after I'd disgraced myself on TV!

He laughed before smiling smugly. "I'm not joking Mckayla," Freddie giggled as I look through my messages and sure enough, see that he sent it.

I was enraged, "Oh my days Freddie! You can't just do that-"
"Let's be fair, you weren't going to do it yourself," he deadpanned folding his arms as I shrugged my shoulders.

Well, he was right about that.

"You have a point," I said snatching my phone back as he puts his coat on. A little part of me was glad that he sent that because I'd never have the guts even though I was desperate. "But- but isn't he still in New York?"

There was no way I'd be able to get to New York in an hour, as far as I knew.

He laughed at me, his blue eyes shining, "No silly, I thought you'd know by now after all that stalking. He's on tour for his album! And he just happens to be performing in London tonight."

I paused, surprised at the grin that formed  on my face for the first time in days. "Uh, oh- okay then."

Yay! A chance of a reunion (:
KiwiAndKoalas x

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