[ 29 ] Not-so-Cinderella

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I was disappointed at not being able to say goodbye to everyone

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I was disappointed at not being able to say goodbye to everyone. It sucked knowing that I'd never work with such a flashy designer like Harley or a cutie like Joel. And even though so couldn't believe why I was thinking this, I'd probably never again find myself at war with a beauty like Clara.

Well at least I was fricking glad to be ridded of River. That twat. What annoyed me the most was how I felt more hurt than angry. Why did it hurt? I wasn't supposed to be hurt. It didn't work like that.

I couldn't get over the fact that he could just do that. Part of me argued that he wouldn't have done something like that. But to fair, nothing had ever been serious. It was always a game from stealing security pictures of him with Vienna to spiking my drink.

I letter out a sigh in despair. "Why the heck did I do a runner?" I mumbled to myself. I could have fucking murdered River or something but to run away out of all things.

Who lost out the most? Me.

I doubted that bastard cared. He was probably sitting there screwing Clara or something.

I felt like a cheap end Cinderella minus the good looks, prince evil step mother and well, pretty much everything apart from the dress. How could I have thought that I'd fit into their world? A middle class, stupid girl didn't belong in a world of celebrities. And I'd obviously learnt that the hard way.

At last I wouldn't have had to stay at a dodge B&B that probably had bedbugs. I scowl as I find myself itching my back. Great. For all I knew, the dodgy hotel manager Bruce had probably installed camera's around the rooms.

"Uh, how far are we from the airport?" I ask the taxi driver. I'd been sitting in the tacky vehicle for nearly foury five minutes and maps had told me this place was fourty minutes away.

Being kidnapped would only top the list off.

He paused for a minute before answering. "...and we're here, miss."

I looked up and see Kennedy Airport, the place that I was at a little while ago. I felt a shiver knowing that I didn't want to leave yet.

God, I felt like my brain was going to explode from the tug of war it was in. I wasn't ready to go home but I never wanted to see the face of River again. My heart stung at the thought of him and how betrayed I felt. After everything that's happened, that's what I got?


I had sent a very awkward email to Freddie asking if my position was still available and he had responded almost immediately. Of course the asshole had said yes. He wouldn't miss an opportunity to tease the living daylight out of me every day.

After paying the cabbie guy, I dragged my suitcase towards the check in point to send in my main luggage. Only to find that the gate hasn't opened yet.

I stormed towards Costa, grabbing a single table and putting the suitcase opposite me. It didn't matter that nobody in real life wanted to have a coffe with me, my suitcase was more than happy to fill in.

Quickly, I pulled out the pack of Mikado sticks from my handbag and snap them in half before munching in them. As the events from yesterday came back to me, the chewing becomes more and more aggressive until I'm shredding them within one bite.

Oh, and my tongue found it absolutely hilarious to stick out in front of my teeth. I realise it's going to happen before it happens and tried to stop it but it was pointless. My teeth clamped down as I bite my tongue hard.

"Ouch!" I whimpered tasting blood, as I screwed my face up.

I always ended up surprising myself when I think that things can't get worse.

I froze when I realise that I'm missing something. I went through the mental checklist:
Souvenir bag
Souvenir bag?
Souvenir bag!

Jumping up with a bleeding tongue, I looked under the table. "Please, no. I couldn't have. I had it a second ago. Didn't I? Unless..." I mumbled to myself, before squeezing my eyes shut and slouching back on the chair.

I opened them, my face expressionless as I stared in front of me. "I left it on the cab."

Trust me, those little things I'd bought cost a fortune. Groaning, I sank my head into my hands. Why the heck was the world on a mission against me?

I sunk my head back down. I could always chase them up and see if they still had it but was it really worth it seeing as I was leaving? I closed my eyes as I heard my gate door open.

Pulling my bag onto my shoulder, I followed the signs towards my gate. Heck, it wasn't even my bag. It was the bag that River had bought me for the birthday. I was one hell of a dumb chick to have fallen for all that shiz. I snorted to myself. If my life had been broadcasted, I was pretty sure that I'd be screaming at the TV telling myself not to fall for it. And yet I did.

"Mckayla, wait!" I heard. I turned around to see nobody around me. Okay, my conscience needed to calm the heck down. It felt like it was physically taking to me. Maybe I did need a trip back home.

"Mckayla! Slow down!" Frustrated, I let go off my bag and put it on the floor before going on my tip toes and looking around me. Nada. Nobody there. I should have had a coffee instead of munching on Mikado sticks. At least I'd be more awake. I started walking again until I'm almost at the gate when I hear something again.

"Stop! Wait up, Mckayla."

I let out a screech, feeling like Whoopie Goldberg from that Ghost movie. "Hello? Anyone there?" I yelled gaining odd looks from some people. "And good day to you..." I grumbled to myself.

That's when I see something really old. I mean, someone zooming towards me on some sort of thing with wheels. I rolled my eyes at myself. Helpful much? At they get closer I clocked on what it is. "You've got to be kidding me," I said under my breath when I saw River sitting on those things that you carry your suitcases on, with Harley pushing him at full pace.

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