[ 27 ] The Phone Call

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Never in my life did I think I'd be stuck between a supermodel and singer watching Moana with popcorn

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Never in my life did I think I'd be stuck between a supermodel and singer watching Moana with popcorn.

The awkwardness had reached a peak when I was pressed up against Clara's barely covering pyjamas and a topless River, all of us crammed in a sofa for two.

River had decided to helpfully nod off, leaving me and Clara sitting side by side watching Moana.

I didn't think that I'd be laughing my head of and singing 'How far I'll go' with her 45 minutes later.

I pulled the most serious face I could holding the note until she pinched her fingers together. After a seconds silence, we both bursted out laughing again.

For a moment, I was up mostly surprised at the smile on Clara's face, which was usually replaced by a scowl. For once she actually looked like she was enjoying herself.

Okay, quit being sappy Mckayla.

"Alright, I'm going to get some sleep for the Awards tomorrow," she said standing up and walking towards the door. "And the make up artist from London is coming at 8.30 tomorrow for us."

I hesitated to reply before quickly saying goddnight and thanking her. When the door closed, I trusted myself to think.

Is that it?

No tantrum on wanting to sleep with River or something wierd as fuck? I allowed myself to think that she might not have been as bad as I originally thought and perhaps I'd misjudged her. Maybe I was wrong? Maybe I should give her a chance?

In future, I'd regret that single thought and learn that my originally impression was as accurate as it could ever have been.


I awoke to my alarm and force myself out of bed. A look at my phone tells me that this was the back up alarm, not my original one which I'd obviously over slept on. I stumbled with my eyes half open to the sofa to wake River up, only to find that he wasn't there.

I see blue. Either River had magically transformed into a piece of blue cloth or lying across the sofa was the blue dress that I'd wanted from the boutique.

What the hell?

I rubbed my eyes and sure enough, the blue fishtail dress was there in front of me.

"River? Are you here?" I called out in case I turned blind overnight but nobody replied. Feeling weirded out, I took a quick look at the clock. I had half an hour to get ready before this make up artist that I had no clue about turned up.

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