Peter Parker (Holland)

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Satanic_oatmeal Alright! Here you are, dear, I hope you like it! He will be the first Avenger I have written for and I didn't hate doing it as much as I feared I would so...bring it on Avengers fans, I'll take your requests as they come hahaha

You rung your hands as you tried not to think about the ever-growing power that buzzed at your fingertips. Your knees bounced as your eyes looked around the very nice waiting room that belonged to Tony Stark. After a freak accident at school some guy named Happy came and picked you up from school saying he was a friend of your dad's from work.

But as soon as you got in the car he told you that you were being taken to see someone who could help you with your powers, your dad having already given the go-ahead seeing as how it was him who was reaching out for anyone to help you. Since your mom died leaving it just the two of you, your dad has been making it his main goal to find something or someone to help you control or get rid of your powers.

You had heard of Tony Stark before, seeing his face everywhere and knowing him as the Iron Man making it hard not to hear about him. But meeting him was completely different. The last thing you wanted right now was to talk to someone, especially after what had just happened at school just a couple hours earlier.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by a voice. Two voices to be exact. Looking around, you spotted a man walking, talking animatedly with his hands to a young man walking next to him, his eyes clearly full of awe and admiration. You shifted in your seat as they came closer, their faces turned away from you until they entered the waiting room. The boy gave you a shy smile and a small wave as he stood behind the taller man who you assumed was Tony Stark.

"Hi, I'm Tony Stark, but you must know that by now. Welcome to The New Avengers Facility, the NAF, if you will. Still need to find a better name for this place. Anyway. How are you? Comfortable? I can have some after-school snack brought to you, considering you must be drained after what you did."

You stood, shaking your head as your voice caught in your throat, not wanting him to get the wrong impression. But the famous inventor decided to skip over all that and move on.

"Or, you know what? How about I just leave you with Underoos here." He looked between you and the cute boy, nodding his head. "Have some high school midlife crisis time together while I try to get in contact with Wanda the Good Witch who also has freaky hand powers. Don't worry, you'll be in good hands."

Then he turned to go, leaving you alone with the boy.

"See ya, Mr. Stark! I'll just be here, with her," the boy waved, then lowered his hand, his voice doing the same, "with a girl I have never met before."

But he looked at you and took a step forward, smiling brightly, his hand outstretched for you to shake. "Hi! My name's Peter Man. I uh, Spider Parker..." He shook his head, clearing his throat as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Ahaha...sorry. I'm Peter Parker. I kind of an intern for Mr. Stark." He lifted a shoulder. "Kinda."

You nodded, biting back a smile at his slip up. But you didn't say anything, still nervous about why you were here in the first place, not entirely sure who Wanda the Good Witch was and if the cute boy in front of you really was Spider-Man.

Peter looked at his hand and the fact you didn't take it, your own hands tucked against your chest, your shoulders tense. Taking a step back, he pointed around the place, raising a brow. "You want me to show you around? It will take a while for him to reach Wonda."

He started walking and you followed close behind. "Wanda?" You asked quietly.

Peter looked at you, his eyes wide. You sounded a lot sweeter than your appearance lead on. "Yeah, Wanda Maximoff. She can control things with her mind and this weird red stuff with her fingers." He mimicked some kind of hand gestures that looked really similar to Senator Palpatine's lightning force. You giggled silently, his gaze returning to you. "She would be able to help you with what power you have."

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