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You stumbled around the still battle field, your arm pressed up against your side in pain, a limp making it hard to get anywhere fast.

Eomer walked reverently around the fallen as he searched for any who might still be alive. For not the first time the last few days, he was thankful that he had convinced you to stay off the battlefield. He hurt at the idea of you being in the middle of this.

But he collapsed the moment he spotted his sister laying unconscious on the ground. He cradled her and cried. His cry called your attention to him,  your heart shattering at the sound of his voice. You did your best to make your way to him but you were quite a distance away. You watched as Eomer rushed to Minas Tirith to have Eowen seen to. You made your way there, rushing as best you could to meet him in the healer's wing.

Eomer watched intently as his sister was being helped by Aragorn. He couldn't understand why she was here, and why-

His thoughts stopped the moment he saw you limp in, your face pinched with pain as you held your arm.

He stood up quickly, rushing to you, holding your shoulders as he looked at you.

"Why can't you ever do as you are told." His voice was low and his eyes were sad as he sent you a small bittersweet smile.

You smiled but stumbled slightly, falling into his arms. Eomer held you close as you let out a breath. "Sorry. I couldn't help it. You know how much I like to be in pain." You send him a smirk followed by a cough.

He wrapped his arms around your shoulders as he helped you get seen to as well. Once you were patched up a bit you sat with Eomer as he watched over his sister. You rest your head against his shoulder, grabbing his hand in comfort. He looked down at you and kissed the top of your head, finding himself thankful for your  tendency to ignore him.

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