Humphrey Goodman

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VettelFerrari Here ya go love, hope ya like it! Sorry it's so long, I got carried away haha

Humphrey smiled lamely as he watched you at the market, smiling and laughing with the kind local vendors. You happened to cross paths as you were walking to the small market to restock your kitchen and he was leaving the station. Your heart leapt when he offered to wait for you, wanting to catch up. You smiled and offered to make him dinner once you got what you needed.

The British detective fidgeted as you paid for your food and waved goodbye, making your way over to him. You were beautiful, he had always thought so. But he could never bring himself to tell you. Once he got called to come to the Islands he was excited, not only for the detective work but for the chance to see you. With his wife out of the picture, the flame he once held for you burned anew. 

You had moved here after two years of college and you were loving it. You and Humphrey were a bit more than acquaintances before you left, leaving mutual feelings unsaid. But once he got married you learned to guard your heart. Now that he was here, you weren't sure what to think.

You smiled as he offered to take some of the bags. Nodding you handed him some as you held others. "Thank you. Now, what do you feel in the mood to eat?"

Humphrey bit his lip making sure to look everywhere but at you, not wanting you to see his blush. Your voice still gave him a rush. "Um...I'm actually not too picky at the moment. What did you purchase, perhaps we can choose that way."

You let out a little laugh. As agreeable as alway. "Well, I was thinking chicken and rice, steamed veggies and beans."

He cleared this throat, nodding as the blush started up again. You still scrunched your nose when you smiled, something he found extremely attractive. "Sounds splendid. Now tell me," he transferred the bags to one hand and reached his arm out for you to take, "how are you liking it here. It's been, what, five years?"

You smiled up at him, the lock around your heart slowly coming undone. The two of you walked the distance to your place, talking and catching up as if you had been close for years. You had forgotten how well the two of you got on, how nice it was to be talking to someone who knew how you thought and made you feel like you were important.

You let out a laugh as he finished a story from one of his last cases. Humphrey had to remind himself to breathe as he caught himself holding his breath at the wide smile you sent him. He stumbled through your door, causing you to let out another laugh.

You set your things down on the counter, grabbing an apron and got started on dinner. "I'm glad to see you are still clumsy, as always."

Humphrey let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as he took a seat at your bar, watching you get to work. "I suppose no amount of time will change the fact I am still stuck in my head."

You heard the underlining guilt in his tone making a small sad smile pull at your lips. You looked up and took a moment to really look at him. His hair was still long, though tamed a bit more than it was at Uni. That must be because of his wife. He still dressed smartly and his eyes still darted around the room drinking in each detail as his running mind tried to decipher your life. You blinked and got back to work.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not like you aren't using that to your advantage and the advantage of the department. Surely they are thankful for it." You flashed him a smile.

"I suppose. Thank you (Y/n)." He watched you work, feeling a bit odd not doing anything. He stood, walking lazy circles around your place. "Are you sure you don't need any assistance? I'm sure I can cut a few veggies without messing up too terribly."

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