Cassian Andor

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Bear with me as I write nearly the last 30 minutes of this movie but man it was worth every hour XDDD

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Bear with me as I write nearly the last 30 minutes of this movie but man it was worth every hour XDDD

"Ok. Here goes."

You held your breath as you listened to Bodhi communicating with the base below to permit them to land on Scarif. You stared out at the great expanse of space and the planet that was the Rebel's target. However, it was encased in a seemingly strong force field with a few gated openings speckled around it. Those ports were heavily guarded and despite having arrived in an imperial ship, you couldn't help but fear they could see right through the hull and spy the lot of you, and the whole thing would blow up in a single photon torpedo.

"Cargo shuttle SW-0608 requesting a landing pad."

You blinked back to the present, your heart hammering. 

"Cargo shuttle SW-0608, you are not listed on the arrival schedule."

Bodhi responded without missing a beat. "Acknowledged, Gate Control. We were rerouted from Eadu flight station." He glanced at K2 sitting at the helm beside him. "Transmitting clearance code now."

"Transmitting." K2 shared the stolen identification number and Bodhi closed his eyes, the quiet thick with palpable anticipation.

You reached into your shirt and pulled out your necklace, the end of it cold to the touch as light reflecting off the planet below passed through the clear crystal your father had given to you long ago. You closed your fist around it and closed your eyes, silently praying. To whom, you weren't sure, but to anything out there that will help get your team through.

A soft clank behind you made you turn. Cassian claimed up from the cargo hold and spared you a slight glance as he too waited for the verdict.

"Cargo shuttle SW-0608,"

You made eye contact with Cassian as he came to stand by you and held his gaze, the both of you holding your breath as the gate operator continued.

"You are cleared for entry."

"YES!" Bodhi let out a hushed cheer, his smile wide.

You smiled at him and K2 nodded. "Impressive."

You looked to Cassian again and you couldn't help but smile wider. He let out a breathy chuckle, tapping the ceiling in relief. You walked to where he came from, stuffing your necklace back down your shirt front. But as you passed him he quietly grabbed your arm, making you pause beside him.

He held your gaze and you did the same, your heart beating quickly for more reasons than one. 

You feared you were far too in over your head with all this. Since seeing your father pass right in your arms, there was very little left for you to live for. But the moment you listened to his holo message suddenly, a spark was lit and you had a goal to accomplish. To make your father proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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