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You hummed to yourself as you held onto the hull of the ship with one hand as the other reached for a tool on your belt. The tether around your chest kept you from floating off into the dark expanse of space but left your relatively free to move about wherever and how ever you wished. 

And right now you wished to help Alex fix a nasty shot off section of her hull, despite the repeated pleas of reconsideration from your partner. Alex can fix herself in due time but you were a mechanic and figured it was best to be repaired sooner rather than later. Laureline agreed with Valerian about you not going out there but seeing him get all worked up about you "risking your life for no reason" gave her pause. So with a smirk and a push of a button, Laureline helped you out, no questions asked.

Valerian glowered as he slumped in his chair, his hair covering his eyes and he chewed on the end of an old bit piece. He watched you on one of his many screens, his mind reeling at why you would refuse to listen to his orders and turn Laureline against him while you were at it.  Not only was the ship hit and unable to fly but now he has his best mechanic out there tethered only by a lame piece of cable.

Laureline stepped into the cockpit with Valerian, letting out a little chuckle at what she saw. "You sure have it bad, don't cha?"

Valerian didn't move from his position as he grunted a reply. "I am not in the mood Larueline."

She sat down, checking a few monitors. "But you do know what I'm talking about."

He let out a huff of air before turning to look at her. "With you, you could be talking about a number of things."

"Yup, and your feelings for (Y/n) being one of them."

Valerian clenched his jaw and turned back to watching you, your form inching across the charred section of the hull. "She's part of our team. Of course, I care for her."

"But, you know, a little more than me."

He didn't answer right away. "No."

Laureline smirked. "You hesitated. Please don't spare my feelings."

Valerian turned his glare to her. "You know what fine, maybe I do like her a little more than a partner. But we were partners once and that turned into nothing real fast."

A blinking light on the console pulled Laureline's attention. "Uh huh."

Valerian continued. "So maybe I am a little apprehensive about crossing that line again."

The blinking light turned into three, then seven then twelve. "Uh, Valerian..."

He shook his head. "Not because I'm not happy to have you as a friend, we have talked about that already. But maybe because I'm not happy with her seeing me as just her superior officer or partner or...friend."

"Valerian wait,"

"There's just something in the way she makes me feel when she walks in the room. Like I need to go be with her."

"That's great man, but,"

"Not that I don't like being with you, it's just seeing her out there while I'm in here does something to me. Maybe what we were missing is was I have with her. The only problem is I don't know what she is thinking or how-


He jumped as Laureline threw something at him. There were over thirty flashing lights now and Laureline didn't have time to console her friend about his girl issues.

"That's nice and all but the real problem is the large mass of ships coming toward us. I suggest you wipe your tears and tell your girlfriend to get her butt back in here."

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