Doctor Strange

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-MichelleKirk- here you go! I hope this was what you were looking for!

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-MichelleKirk- here you go! I hope this was what you were looking for!

You roundhouse kicked a robot almost a half a block away before turning around and grabbing the arms of the next robot that came at you and kicked it, pulling the arms right off that you then used to hit two other assailants.

Not too far away from you Stephen, Doctor Strange, fought his own barrage of evil circuitry. He looked almost happy, excited even. You smiled as he used his cape to strangle one bot as he punched another in the face. Ever since his first taste of being a hero, that thankfully humbled him, he has been more willing to risk his life to save others.

That's what brought the two of you so close. You were an ex-con of sorts. He came across you as you were fighting off a group of mercenaries trying to hurt a small company of travelers in Japan. You thought he was one of them and vise verse. But when it came down to the two of you, you thought it would be fun to see who was the better fighter.

You thought yourself stronger until he started using magic. That was when you started to hate him. Cheater. But for some reason, the two of you kept running into each other. Not like you were following him or anything. But once after a close call with a returning enemy, Stephen introduced you to his clan of protectors.

You weren't so good with the magic but he held out hope for you. So in the meantime, you stuck to your physical combat. And so far it was proving to be enough against an on slot of robotic punches.

Stephen looked over at you after tossing aside the head of his most recent opponent. He smirked as you executed moves he could only dream of doing. If it weren't for his cape and the magic he could use he would be utterly useless. Though you would tell him time and time again that he can be a doctor again if he really wanted to, Stephen felt like there was more to his purpose in life than being a doctor. And recently he has been seeing his future with a hope of you being there with him.

You felt his eyes on you so you looked over, catching your breath as others made their way to you both. "Do they ever stop coming?"

"Is that a complaint I hear? I didn't take you for the 'giving up' type."

You scoffed, picking up a piece of a fallen robot and slinging it at three others who thought they could sneak up on you. "Try the 'getting annoyed' type. I'm almost ready for a big boss to come and-AHHHHH!" You were cut off by a large cold hand wrapping around your middle and pulling you behind a building where a very large version of the robots you were fighting hid, it's beady black/red eyes almost smirking at you.

"Be careful what you wish for, human." It's echoey voice sent chills down your spine. You tried to pull free but it just squeezed you harder making you yelp in pain.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Stephen reached out but knew it was a futile attempt to get you back. He watched as the large leader unfolded itself from behind a building, holding you firmly in its grasp. "Let her go!"

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