Sebastian Vettel

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VettelFerrari-So sorry, my girl, for taking so long with this, but I just wanted to get it right haha I hope you enjoy!

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VettelFerrari-So sorry, my girl, for taking so long with this, but I just wanted to get it right haha I hope you enjoy!

You wrung your hands as you stood off to the of a mass of people taking pre-race pictures with the racers. Usually, you would be joining the crowd, laughing at his under the breath comments and rolling your eyes at as he sends you seductive winks. But right now you couldn't stand around him without feeling sick.

Your job here was relocating to London and you weren't sure if the relationship you had with Sebastion was going anywhere. If there was anything. So, you had a choice; either move to London or tell your very best friend that your feelings for him have gone beyond that of friendship. You dreaded and looked forward to telling him such. You loved Germany and wanted a reason to stay; it was easier to find a new job than to an unrequited heart.

An announcer sounded over some speakers that the racer's needed to start to get ready. Security started to herd people away from the racers. Sebastian looked around, a part of him extremely bothered he didn't see you at the pre-race gathering. You were always with him at those. But then again he had a feeling something was going on. You were distant and he didn't know the first thing on how to cheer you up.

He was taking a drink when he spotted you just across from him a ways. He smiled when he saw you, completely forgetting that he had a mouth full of water. It spilled out and onto his shirt. You laughed, shaking your head, some of your anxiety falling away. Patting his now wet shirt he walked over to you, making your insides bubble with anticipation.

"So, fancy seeing you here."

You shrugged a shoulder and waved a hand dismissively. "Oh you know, heard there was this guy racing who thought himself a big hot shot so I had to come check him out for myself."

Sebastian smiled, stepping a bit closer. "And what do you think?"

You let out a breath and cocked your head to the side a bit. "I think he forgot how to drink water, poor guy. Might need a bib from now on."

The both of you chuckled. Looking around, you found yourself relatively alone with him. Sebastion could see the wheels turning in your head and took a step forward, reaching out to take one of your hands in his.

"Hey, (Y/n). What's got you so worked up lately, huh?"

His gentle words almost caused you to burst into tears right then and there. But you just took a deep breath and gave him a tight smile. "A lot has been going on and I need to tell you something."

The announcer came on again his voice booming about the racer's needing to be ready in fifteen minutes. But Sebastian didn't care. He only wanted to hear what you had to say and worried that his greatest fear was about to come true.

You reached up with your free hand and tucked some hair behind your ear before glancing at your joined hands and speaking.

"My work is relocating to London. I have been given the decision to go or stay but the job they are offering here isn't exactly the best and I don't think I will have enough money to keep my apartment with it."

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