~Chapter Five~ Second Dream

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~Chapter Five~ Second Dream

Windpaw and Snowpaw each took a squirrel then sat down next to the fresh kill pile. "So-" Snowpaw started. "-Have you been to a gathering yet?" "No, not yet. I think I might be going to the next one though" Windpaw replied. Snowpaw nodded. None of the two cats knew what to talk about. "I'm gonna bring some fresh kill to Moonglade and Birchpaw" Snowpaw said. Windpaw nodded and Snow headed off towards the medicine cat's den, with a vole and a mouse.

"Ok, So cobwebs for bleeding...and burdock root for rat bites?" Snowpaw heard Birchpaw ask Moonglade. Moonglade nodded. Snowpaw walked inside the den. "I brought you guys some fresh kill" She stammered. "Thank you" Moonglade mewed.
"Birchpaw you can go share tongues with your friends. Come back when you're done" Birchpaw nodded.

She grabbed the vole that Snowpaw had brought and the two set off towards Windpaw, who was now sitting with Stormpaw and Oakpaw again. "Hey guys!" Birchpaw mewed happily. "I learned about two herbs today! Cobwebs and Burdock root. Cobwebs to stop bleeding and Burdock root for rat bites" "Cool. Snowpaw and I learned some hunting and fighting techniques" Oakpaw replied.

Birchpaw sat down and started munching on her vole. The five cats sat by the apprentices den for the rest of the day, talking about apprentice training. When it was getting dark the five apprentices went inside the den and went to sleep. "Cya in the morning" Stormpaw meowed to the other four before he fell asleep.

When Snowpaw got up and out of the apprentices den no one was there. The camp was on fire. Snowpaw looked around. She was trapped. Snowpaw looked up at the sky. She saw the cat with wings from her dream. Snowpaw heard something. It sounded like a kit squealing for help. She looked at the nursery. Onekit and Littlekit were trapped in the nursery. The nursery was quenched in flames. There was no way Snowpaw could save the kits. What do I do? She thought. Snowpaw looked around once more. She saw her mother standing at the entrance to the camp. She wasn't burning in the flames at all. Her pelt was starry, as if she were hunting with Starclan at the moment. "Fire and Ice don't mix" Snowpaw's mother said, then disappeared. "Wait don't go! what does that mean!" Snowpaw shouted. Snowpaw turned back to the nursery. Suddenly the camp froze in ice. Snowpaw looked around at the ice, confused. She shook her head then ran to the nursery. She grabbed Onekit an Littlekit by the scruff and dragged them out of camp. Onekit had a burn on his ear and Littlekit had burns on her legs. Snowpaw looked around for help, but saw no one, except she did see a black tail running into the bushes. Suddenly it all stopped as she woke up into a new day.

Snowpaw got up and ran to the nursery. Yellowfur and Pinkheart were sleeping with Waterkit, Gingerkit, Littlekit, and Onekit. Snowpaw smiled as she saw her mother sleeping with her new litter. But she wiped the smile off her face when she saw a burn in Onekit's ear and burns on Littlekit's legs. Was it a reality and not just a dream? Snowpaw thought to herself.

Snowpaw nudged her mother to wake up. Yellowfur got up and asked, "What is it Snowpaw?" Snowpaw pointed to
The burns on Littlekit and Onekit. Yellowfur gasped and nudged Pinkheart. "Pinkheart wake up!" She cried. "Littlekit and Onekit are hurt!" At the sound of the two kit's names Pinkheart shot straight up. "What's wrong?" Pinkheart asked. Yellowfur pointed to what Snowpaw showed her. "Ill go get Moonglade" Snow meowed.

Snowpaw ran to Moonglade's den and immediately woke up Moonglade. "What do you want that you have to wake me up so early" Moonglade hissed in a tired tone. Snowpaw told Moonglade about the burns on Littlekit and Onekit as they walked to the nursery.

When they were there Moonglade looked at the burns. She woke up the two kits and grabbed them by the scruff. She brought them down to the river and washed their burns. She brought them back and gave them poppy seeds to soothe the pain and went back to her den. Snowpaw went back to her den too and went back to sleep.

Oh noooo! What Snowpaw dreamt actually happened! :O Dun dun dun dunnnn!!!! Ok so this was a pretty stupid chapter but I didn't really know what Snowpaw should do after the dream. So uh ya....HOPE U LIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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