First Day of Senior Year

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"I wish I would've just dropped out my freshman year." I jokingly complain to another student as we walk into first hour together. We've gone to school together since elementary, but we're not super good friends. Her name is Molly.

Molly has straight long brown hair, but just recently dyed it black with purple streaks. Normally you can find her wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a band logo. She's more on the shy side so I love that her look stands out.

"Literally." She laughs. We sit in the two desks closest to the teacher's. Don't ask me why, I just always sit close to the teacher. "Do you know who Paulson is?"

"No. Man, I hope she doesn't suck as much as the last two new English teacher's we've had."

"God that was awful last year." Molly replies. I take a drink of my water bottle and roll my eyes at the memories of Mrs. Goodall.

"I don't think you're supposed to have that in here." A voice says. I turn around to see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She has short blonde hair and her lips are coated with blood red lipstick. Oh shit I hope she didn't hear us.

"Oh...sorry." I throw it in my little Broadway purse.

"That's alright. Miss Paulson." She introduces herself and holds out her hand.

"I'm Riley." I smile and shake her hand. I want so badly for her hand to stay in mine as long as possible but after a few seconds it's gone.

The bell rings and class begins. It's the typical first day of school introduction and syllabus. That's the only class that goes by fast. The rest of the day I find terribly boring. When the bell for the end of the day finally rings, I grab my stuff from my locker and head out.

I start walking home and a cool summer breeze still lingers in the air, hitting my face. I put an earbud in and listen to some music as I walk. I'm halfway through the chorus of "Wild and an Untamed Thing" from Rock Horror Picture Show when I hear a horn honk. I jump a little and turn to see a black Jeep behind me.

"Jesus fuck." I say trying to recover from the scare.

"Sorry sweetheart." Miss Paulson says as the window rolls down. "I was just trying to wave but it looked like I gave ya a little scare." She laughs.

"Ya think?" I brush my hair out of my face laughing awkwardly.

"Are you okay walking? It's a little warm." She asks.

"I'm alright. My house is like two streets in." I wave my hand in the distance.

"Its fine sweetie, just hop in."

I shrug and do as I'm told. Sweetheart... sweetie? I'm okay with that.

"Oh, don't forget to have your mom sign your syllabus for tomorrow." She reminds me.

"I sign all my stuff myself." She gives me a look. "I'm emancipated."

"Really?" She says interested.

"Yup. Since I was 16. I just turned 18 this past July. Turn down this alley please." She signals left and turns.

"This is so weird. I live right over there." She pulls up next to the garage. "Wait you live in this house all by yourself?"

"No. It's like a townhouse. My neighbor on the other side are pretty awesome."

"Oh okay." She nods.

"Well thank you for the ride."

I can tell she's still curious so I'm sure she'll stop to talk to me tomorrow. I hop out and make my way through the gate. Wow, Miss Paulson lives literally across the alley from me. That's pretty wild.

"Hey Paula." I wave to my neighbor who's working in the garden.

"How was school baby?" She asks.

"Just as boring as it was last year. Need help?"

"Oh no Peach. I've got it under control. Did a friend give you a ride?"

"My new English teacher actually." I laugh. "She's pretty cool." I put my bag on my porch and pull a folding chair into the sun near Paula.

"A teacher? Can't she get in trouble?"

"Eh no one really gives a fuck about anything also not really. It's not like they have the risk of an angry parent calling and complaining."

"Oh honey." She sighs sadly and stops working.

"It's fine Paula. You know it doesn't really bother me anymore." I stand up and stretch. "Okay. I have colleges and scholarships to apply for."

"Alright hon if you need anything I'm out here and Dave is inside."


I carry my stuff in and set it on the table. I'm proud of how decently clean I've kept this lately...that probably won't last long. I turn on some music and get started on applications. It's probably gonna be a long night.

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