Chapter 24 [Part 1]

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Kristin's pov

It's been a few days now and Tom is still in a coma but he is showing signs of improvement, he doesn't look that weak anymore and the doctor said he should wake up in a few days but that was days ago so why isn't Tom awake?

I've never left Tom's side for a minute and but Richard is beginning to worry.

"Kristin you need to eat," Richard told em.

"I'm not hungry," I replied. I'm not in the mood for eating not while Tom is like this. Besides, I'm a Vampire. Vampires don't need food.

"You are hungry, you just don't want to eat," Richard told me with a knowing look. What would he know? He's not me.

"Why do I need to eat, I'm a Vampire?" I asked.

"You need blood to survive or you won't be here when Tom wakes up," Richard explained.

"I can't leave him," I refused to leave my mates side in case anything should happen to him in my absence.

"You can't starve yourself either,"

"I can," I disagreed.

"No you can't, you'll kill yourself. If I bring up some blood and food will you eat then?" Richard asked with a hopeful look.

"Maybe," I agreed with a sigh. I am hungry but I feel sick just thinking about eating.

Richard left the room and a minute later he returned with a huge mug of blood and a plate with an enormous cheese and pickle sandwich. I looked at the sandwich with wide eyes as he handed me the plate and mug.

"I know that look, you haven't eaten for days. You deserve a big meal," Richard told me as he caught my surprised look.

I nodded reluctantly and took a bite of the sandwich, it wasn't much but it tasted surprisingly good but that could be because I haven't eaten in days. I finished the sandwich and then started on the mug of blood, a few minutes later I had drained the lot and was full. I no longer felt queasy.

"Feel better?" Richard asked.

"Much better thanks," I replied.

"Richard?" Patrisha suddenly called from the hallway. Richard left the room leaving me alone with Tom.

I took Tom's hand in mine and held it gently to kiss it.

"Tom it's me Kristin. Please wake up I'm not dead. That girl they found dead wasn't me, I'm fine. I'm so sorry, please wake up. I know I shouldn't have left you the way I did but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere I promise," I began to say.

"I don't know if you can here me or not but please wake up. I love you," I blurted out.

I don't know what made me say that but it's true. I do love Tom but telling him isn't going to wake him up so why did I bother? I shouldn't have said that, I-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Tom squeeze my hand.

"Tom can you hear me?" I asked but Tom didn't move.

A minute later, Tom's eyes fluttered open.

I couldn't believe my eyes Tom's eyes were open and he was looking into my eyes lovingly.

"Tom," I said quietly unsure of what else to say.

"Do I know you?" Tom replied as he looked confused. It hurts, it hurts real bad he doesn't remember me but I guess it's my own fault for leaving him. I can't believe he doesn't remember me.

"You don't remember me?" I asked in a hurt voice and began to panic. What am I supposed to do now? Tom doesn't remember me.

"Don't worry, I may not remember you but I know you are important to me I can feel something between us," Tom assured me and I calmed down. At least that's something.

"Really?" I asked in relief and Tom nodded.

"Are we mates?" Tom asked with a hopeful look as he blatantly checked me out from head to toe.

"Yes," I confirmed. There's no point lying to him. He's a Vampire and his memory will soon return.

"You're beautiful, I'm so lucky," Tom said happily and pulled me into a hug.

"What's your name?" Tom asked me as he pulled away from the hug but held me by my waist.

"Kristin," I replied.

"Kristin," Tom repeated.

"What happened, why don't I remember you?" Tom asked curiously.

I hesitated, I don't want to tell him, he'll hate me when he finds out I left him.

"Tell me," Tom ordered.

"No you'll hate me," I refused to tell him.

"Why would I hate you, you're my mate?" Tom asked in confusion.

"It was my fault, I left you," I admitted.


"You kidnapped me and forced me to be here so I ran away. Then a girl's dead body was found, she looked like me so you thought she was me and you tried to drown yourself. You went into a coma. I'm so sorry.  If I hadn't have left, none of this would have happened," I sobbed.

"It's ok, this isn't your fault. It was mine. I don't remember anything but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, it's my fault," Tom told me.

"No it isn't," I disagreed.

"It is," Tom insisted and then there was silence as Tom just held me in his arms.

"Do you remember your parents?" I broke the silence.

"Yes," Tom replied.

"Would you like to see them,"


I stood up and opened the door.


A second later, Tom's parents were both in front of me and rushed towards Tom without a word to embrace their son.

"I'll give you guys a minute," I said and turned to leave to let them have some time alone as a family but I was stopped by a hand on my wrist, it was Tom.

"Don't leave me," Tom begged in a pained voice.

"I'm not leaving you, I just want to give you a minute alone with your family. I'll be back I promise," I swore.

"You are a part of my family so you can't go," Tom told me and refused to let me go.

"Ok I won't go but you should get back in bed you've just come out of a coma," I said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Tom said but he get back into the bed like I told him to and I sat beside him.

Then the doctor walked in, he must have heard me yelling.

"Hello your majesty, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"I'm feeling fine," Tom replied as the doctor checked Tom over.

"Everything seems to be fine, do you remember what happened?" the doctor asked Tom.

"No and I don't remember Kristin either," Tom said with a sad frown.

"That's just temporary amnesia. It's common to have after being in a coma and nothing to worry about. You should soon get your memory back," the docor assured us.

"Thank you," Tom thanked the doctor and he left.

A minute later, Tom's parents left the room as well leaving Tom and I alone. Tom pulled me into his chest and held me close, I snuggled into him and felt relief. Tom is awake and everything will be fine. I hope he gets his memory back soon so we can sort things out and be together how we should be, as mates.

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