Chapter 21 [Part 1]

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It was Richard.

"Richard?" I asked in surprise. What is he doing here? How did he even find me?

"Kristin I'm so glad I finally found you," Richard said and then he pulled me into a hug.

"What are you doing here? I asked when he pulled away.

"I've been looking for you since you left. I've come to take you home," Richard explained.

"I am home," I disagreed.

"This isn't your home. You can't stay here anymore. You will come back with me," Richard said in a raised angry voice which wasn't like him at all as he was always so calm and collected around me.

"No," I said and Richard grabbed my hand and began to drag me to the front door. We reached the door and he was about to drag me out but was stopped by Seth who had miraculously returned from wherever he went.

"What's going on? I step out for 5 minutes and you came to kidnap my friend," Seth growled to Richard.

"I'm not kidnapping her, I'm escorting her home," Richard stated.

"She doesn't want to leave so I suggest you let her go,"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that don't you know who I am?" Richard raged.

"Seth," I commented and Seth turned to look at me. "He's the King,"

"What you mean the Vampire King?" Seth asked me.


"He can't hurt me," Seth sneered.

"Of course he can, he can do anything he is the King,"

"She's right you should listen to her," Richard said.

"I will not be told what to do, you can't touch me," Seth refused to back down.

"I am the King, I can if I want to," Richard was about to try and punch Seth again but Seth moved away quickly before Richard's fist was anywhere near him.

"I told you, you can't touch me," Seth said with a smirk which reminded me of Tom.

This angered Richard and he tried to punch Seth again but missed, he kept trying but failed everytime Seth was just too fast for him.

"What are you?" Richard asked Seth in bewilderment.

"I'm a Werewolf and not just any Werewolf, I'm the Alpha King," Seth stated proudly.

I gasped in surprise before asking.

"You're the Werewolf King?"

"Yes," Seth replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded.

"I didn't want to scare you I-" Seth started to say.

"This doesn't change things Kristin you're still coming back with me," Richard interrupted Seth.

"I don't want to leave," I refused to leave.

"Tough you don't have a choice," Richard said and reached for my arm.

"Don't you dare touch her," Seth growled and stood in front of me with his back towards me in a protective way with his arms almost touching me.

"Fine but let me talk to her for 5 minutes alone if she still doesn't want to go I'll understand and leave you both alone," Richard said.

Seth looked back at me uncertainly, I nodded my head.

Then Seth moved away from me.

"5 minutes no longer," Seth said to Richard and walked into his room, closing the door behind him which was pointless because he'd still hear everything with his Werewolf hearing.

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