Chapter 28 [Part 1]

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Tom's pov

The next day I was both nervous and excited because it was the day I would have my lunch date with Kristin. It will be our first date. If it goes well then I am one step closer to making her mine properly with her approval. If it doesn't go well then it will be game over because I know there won't be any more chances with her.

I can't believe this is happening. I thought Kristin had died and tried to kill myself then I nearly died. I had been misinformed and when I saw whoever that body was that looked like Kristin, I truly believed it was her without reconsidering it. I don't know what I was thinking, If I ever lost Kristin I would feel unimaginable pain because we are already linked together by marking each other. I hadn't felt any pain, I was just upset because I'd thought I had lost her. I am relieved she is ok and I am ok after being in a coma. I never thought we'd see each other again or that she'd give me a chance to do things properly and for things to be how they should have been to begin with. I know it was wrong of me to kidnap her and then not give her any choice but to be with me. It wasn't planned. I just couldn't believe I had finally met my mate and wanted to keep her close to me. I could have acted differently but I can't change the past now. I said I would change and that is exactly what I am going to do. Kristin will soon be mine the right way. She will willingly want to be with me, only then will she feel safe with me and never want to leave me again. It's the only way of ensuring she will stay and it's the right thing to do.

I never thought Kristin would agree to go out with me after everything I have put her through but it's happening. Everything is falling into place and hopefully, I will not mess this up. I can't afford to lose her again because it will be for good this time.

The morning went by slowly, I didn't see much of Kristin except for breakfast. We only spoke briefly because we weren't alone. My parents were with us as usual. I would prefer it if it was just Kristin and I but we're expected to have breakfast together. I can't wait to get her alone.


When it was 12.55pm, I raced to the rose garden to find Kristin already there seated at the dining table I had the maids set up with our lunch. Damn! I wanted to get here before her and hold her chair out to be a gentlemen but I missed my chance. I should have known Kristin would already be here. I know the rose garden is her favourite part of the palace grounds.

"Hi Kristin," I smiled as I took the seat opposite her.

"Hi Tom," Kristin replied with a smile.

"How has your morning been?" I asked.

"Ok thanks, how has your morning been?"

"Also good," I concluded before lifting the lid off my plate of food to dig in. It was a large bowl of chicken salad identical to Kristin's with a glass of blood on the side.

We talked here and there while we ate and our mouths weren't full. It was nice and the most normal conversation we've ever had. I know before it wasn't like this. I was always in Kristin's face and she had no choice but to talk to me. Now, she is here of her own free will and I hope it is enough to show her I have changed or at least get me another date with her. It shouldn't be a problem if I keep this up. She will hopefully be mine in no time. 

I was too busy admiring my mate from across the table sneakily that I almost didn't notice the maids clearing up to then serve us a desert which was a chocolate cake slice and custard. The desert was delicious, I even had seconds and thirds by which time Kristin had just finished her one slice. She didn't bat an eyelid at me, she is used to me eating a lot by now.

"So...," my voice trailed off once the maids had cleared the table and we were just sitting at the table. "How was the food?"

"It was good," Kristin replied.

"Maybe we can do this again some time," I suggested without thinking about it. I really want to have another date with Kristin, immediately really but I can't because it probably isn't what she wants. I have to take this at her pace like I had promised I would so it is up to her whether we  spend any more time alone together and when but I really hope it will be soon. I want to get to the part where we're in a relationship because I know that is when we both will truly be happy.

"Yeah maybe," Kristin agreed.

That wasn't the reply I was expecting but it wasn't a yes or no which I will accept because there is still hope.

"I guess I'll see you at dinner later then," I reluctantly said goodbye to Kristin. Going our separate ways is the last thing I want to do right now. I want to spend more time with her right now but I don't want to throw away the progress we've made because if I ask her to stay, I will most likely push her away and today would have been a waste.

"See you," Kristin agreed before leaving her seat and walking away.


Dinner couldn't have arrived any quicker. I was eager to see Kristin again after our date had gone well and I hadn't seen her since.

There was nothing exciting about dinner. It was like it normally was. Everyone ate with little small talk and then we went our separate ways or so I thought. I bumped into Kristin in the hall way as we were both heading to our separate rooms.

"Sorry," I apologised. I hadn't looked where I was going and wasn't expecting to bump in to anyone, especially not Kristin but I was glad I did. It means I get to see more of her.

"It's ok," Kristin replied.

"Well now that we're here, I could walk you to your room," I suggested.

"Ok," Kristin agreed. I held my hand out in front of her to usher her ahead and she began to move. We walked side by side in a comfortable silence until we were stood outside Kristin's door.

"I'll guess I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Kristin," I bid Kristin goodnight with a kiss on her cheek and walked away.


Kristin's pov

I was stunned by Tom's actions. He has been every bit of the gentlemen he promised me he would be today. I can't believe how much he has changed, it nearly brought a tear in my eye because I never saw that happening for us. I thought he would never change and I would be stuck here unhappily for the rest of eternity with a man I hate. If this behaviour continues, there could be a future for us.

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