Chapter 10 [Part 1]

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1 week later

For the past week, I have tried everything I thought of to make Kristin like me like she did before I kidnapped her, but everything I tried didn't work. I took her out on dates, I gave her more flowers and brought her little presents, I spent as much time with her as I possibly could but the more time I spend with her, the more she hates me.

Maybe I should try something different, maybe we should be apart for a few days. That will give her time and space to think and she will miss me. Yes that's a good idea. That's exactly what I'll do.

Then all of a sudden a guard called out to me and interrupted my thoughts.

"Your majesty, there have been some Vampires sited nearby preparing to attack us," the guard told me.

"How many?" I asked.

"Over 50," the guard replied, Damn! Now I have to deal with this, it's my duty as crowned Prince but maybe it is a good thing, I'll be away for a while and it will count as avoiding Kristin which will get me the attention I need from her.

"What direction are they coming from?" I asked the guard.

"East," the guard replied.

"Ok gather as many guards as possible and prepare for battle, be ready in 10 minutes out front." I ordered.

"Right away sir," the guard bowed before running off to do what I'd asked him to do.

10 minutes later

60 guards were lined up outside waiting for the vampires to come.

The vampires arrived a minute later.
Their leader said something I couldn't hear even with my vampire hearing. Without warning, they charged at us, the battle has began.

All of them seemed to be coming straight towards me and I understood they wanted me dead.

My guards and I fought as many Vampires as we could and 15 minutes later we seemed to be winning as there weren't many of them left to fight, only a few. I had lost some of my guards as well but only a few, we were much stronger than them.

Then out of nowhere, I was pushed down to the ground by their leader. I didn't see him coming and the next thing I knew, everything went black as I passed out.


When I woke up I was laying in my bed and Kristin was sitting beside me, holding my hand but facing away from me.

"Kristin," I said, it came out in a low voice but Kristin managed to hear me because she turned to look at me.

"Tom," Kristin sighed in relief.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. I was about to ask you, so you don't remember anything?" Kristin asked.

"Not really," I said as my parents walked into my room with the royal vampire doctor.

"Tom your alright, thank goodness," Mum said before running to me and hugging me. That really hurt my arm, I looked at my arm and that's when I saw my arm was all bandaged up. I looked at it confused as I didn't recall having that on my arm.

"You hurt your arm son," Dad told me.

"How? I don't remember a thing. What happened?" I asked.

"That's normal, you did take a hit to your head but it's only minor so you should get your memory back within the next few hours or by the end of the day by the latest," the reassured me.

"You don't remember anything at all?" Dad asked.

"Nope," I replied.

"I have an idea of what happened. There were Vampires sighted nearby getting ready to attack us and a guard alerted you then you went out to fight with the guards. Your injuries must be from the battle,"

"That would explain it," I agreed  because I couldn't remember anything of what had happened.

"And you'll get your memory back soon so we will find out who did this to you," Dad continued.

"What happened to the guards?" I asked with concern. It anything was to happen to them, it would be my fault. It may be their duty to protect me but I must also protect them by making the correct battle decisions. It looks like I made the wrong decision today because of what happened.

"We lost some but the others have only small scars or bruises which shows those Vampires were here to kill you," Dad said.

"Kill me but why would they want to do that?" I asked in confusion. Shouldn't they be wanting to kill Dad as he is the King? Unless they want to get to Dad through me.

"They must still think you are to be King and their leader probably wants the throne for himself," Dad replied.
"We'll talk about this later. Right now you need all the rest you can get so we should leave,"

Mum, Dad and the doctor left the room. Even Kristin tried to get up to leave but I didn't let go of her hand.

"That doesn't mean you Kristin, you're staying right here," I smirked. "You must nurse me,"

"Do I have to?" Kristin whined.

"Yes, you're the only one that can help me get better because you're my mate," I insisted.

"Fine I'll nurse you but I won't be your servant," Kristin warned me as she got comfortable beside me.

"You'll never be my servant, I promise,"

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