Chapter 26 [Part 1]

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I decided I was going to mark Tom again and then I would leave because there was no point me staying  somewhere where I had no choice. Tom is just interested in what he wants, the new version of him with the lost memories is how he should be but I know once I mark him, his true self will return and he will do whatever it takes for me to stay here with him. I can't do that, I have to put my foot down and hope he is willing to change so I can return one day and try to be a mate to him. It can't happen right now, too much has happened. I need time to myself and Tom needs to think about what he has done.

"I'll do it," I told Tom. "I will mark you again,"

"Is that what you really want? I was serious when I said this is your decision, you don't owe me anything after how I treated you," Tom reminded me but I had made up my mind.

"I know but it's the right thing to do. You aren't yourself without your memories, you need them back. I will help in any way I can and if it works.......... Things have to change Tom. You can't force me to be with you, we can only be together if it's what I want too,"

"I know. If it works and I regain my memories then I promise, I will change. I will change for you, for us," Tom promised me but I didn't believe him. I know the real him, I can't believe a word this other side of him says because the real Tom may not agree to change. I have to hear it from the horses mouth if marking him again heals his amnesia.

"Don't make me any promises we both know you can't keep. If you regain your memories and say the same then we'll see but for now, don't say another word about it,"

"As you wish," Tom agreed. "So when do you want to mark me again?"

"Now," The sooner I mark him, the sooner we can find out if it has worked or not. Then we'll see if Tom will stay true to his promise or not. I really hope he will because I don't want to constantly be wanting to leave him. What kind of life would that be? I don't want to always be in a controlling situation, I want to have my free will respected by Tom. If he truly loves me and sees me as his mate then he needs to treat me as such. He needs to respect me and let me make my own decisions even if they disagree with his wants because it's not all about him. This involves two people not one.

"Are you sure? We can wait-"

"No I want to do it now and get it over with," I interrupted.

"Ok," Tom agreed. "Go ahead when you're ready,"

I didn't say anything. I looked at the mark I had already given to Tom on his neck before walking closer to him until we were stood face to face. I leaned up and when my mouth was only an inch away from the mark, I opened my mouth slightly and sunk my fangs into the skin. A few drops of blood dripped down as my fangs left his skin but it instantly began to heal.

Tom was quiet with a dazed look. Maybe it worked and his memories are coming back to him. I nervously went in search of a tissue for his neck.

A minute later, I returned with a tissue and gave it to Tom. He wiped his neck and threw the tissue in the nearby bin.

"So? Did it work? Do you have your memories back or not?" I asked the all important question and anxiously awaited Tom's answer.

"Yes, I remember everything and want to continue exactly where we left off," Tom told me with the return of his signature smirk.

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