Chapter 23 [Part 1]

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Richard's pov

I took Patrisha out of Tom's room and into ours before she could make things worse.

"Stay here and don't move, I'll be back in a minute," I told her and then returned to Tom's room.

"John now that Kristin is back, how long do you think it will take for Tom to wake up?" I asked John the Doctor.

"I'm not sure, it's hard to tell but now that his mate is back he should wake up soon. Possibly in a few days," John said.

"A few days, really?" I asked with hope.

"If his mate stays by his side then I don't see why Tom shouldn't wake up," John replied.

"Then I won't leave his side," Kristin promised and kissed Tom's hand.

"Good. Let me know if there are any changes or if Tom wakes up," John said before walking out.

"I guess I'll leave you with him," I told Kristin and turned to leave.

"Wait," Kristin said, I stopped and turned towards her.

"I'm really sorry. I never knew this would happen. If I had known, I wouldn't have left and Tom wouldn't be in a coma right now," Kristin surprised me with an apology.

"The Queen is right, this is all my fault," Kristin sobbed.

I walked towards Kristin and sat next to her on the bed, then I hugged her but it only made her sob more onto my chest.

"This isn't your fault Kristin," I told my son's mate softly.

"It is," Kristin insisted.

"It's not. You can't blame yourself for this,"

"Then who's fault is it?" Krisrin asked.

"No one's,"

"Why did this happen to Tom? Why did he do it? Why did he try to kill himself? How could he do it? Why?" Kristin asked herself questions neither of us knew the answers to.

"I don't know. We'll have to ask him that when he wakes up,"

"If he wakes up," Kristin mumbled.

"Why are you saying that? He will wake up?"

"Because he won't wake up,"

"Don't say that. He will wake up," I insisted.

"He won't. Look at him, he looks so weak. He's barely breathing, how the hell is he going to wake up?" Kristin yelled the last part and stood up off the bed quickly making me stand up too. Kristin moved to the other end of the room by the window. "He won't make it and then I'll have to leave here,"

"No you won't because he is going to make a full recovery,"

"What if he doesn't?"

"He will but if he doesn't then you're not going anywhere, you're staying right here," I made clear. If anything g should happen to Tom, I will take care of his mate. It will be my duty to.

"No. I won't stay here if he doesn't make it," Kristin decided.

"Where will you go?"

"Away from here," Kristin replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"I can't stay here if Tom dies,"

"Why not?"

"Because you look like him. In fact you look exactly like him, you're his father. Whenever I look at you,I think of Tom. It would kill me if I stayed," Kristin said sadly, I shook my head. If Kristin leaves then so be it if that is what she wants but I will always look out for her and she will still be our princess no matter where she is.

"That's never going to happen because you're going to help Tom get better and he'll make a full recovery," I said confidently. I know if Kristin is by Tom's side, he will make a full recovery.

"I'll help in anyway I can but it may not work,"

"It has to work or that's it, no one but you can help Tom now. There's no other option so do your best ok?"

"Ok," Kristin replied, she walked over to Tom and took his hand gently in hers.

I left the room and prayed for Tom to recover and for Kristin to believe in herself to help Tom or there would be no hope for my son.

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