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Ever since I finished the food, I have been searching the darkness for something, anything that could get me out of here.

It was hard to search when I couldn’t use any of the light, seeing as it was hanging down, causing it to only shine above the chair. I used my hands, gliding them along the wall, searching for a hole or a window. But after searching for a while, I gave up, figuring that it was useless.

I sat down in the chair because that was the only thing in the room that wasn’t dusty.

I slumped in the chair, putting my head in my hands, trying to soothe the slight headache that was forming.

I wondered what the boys were doing now. Were they searching for me? Were they trying to suppress attention from the media?

Having my own experience with the press, I could just imagine the headlines.

Styles Gone Missing.

Harry Styles Pissed And In Hiding.

Where’s Styles?

Oh if only they knew where I was.

The throbbing of my brain was increasing by the minute and I was in pain.

I decided to find the door and call out to see if anyone can get me some paracetemol (A/N aspirin) to help numb the pain.

I got up from the chair and walked towards the wall on my left. I roamed the walls with my hands. I moved along the wall, searching for some type of door.

About three quarters of my patience had vanished when I found the door. It was wooden with strange carvings in it. I couldn’t see the color due to the lack of light, but I expected it to be mahogany, judging by the smooth and well-done lacquer over the wood.

I started bashing the door, making as much noise as I could. My head hurt more than ever now and I couldn’t take anymore, I passed out before someone could reach me.


I opened my eyes, only to squint from the excessive light. My body felt stiff and sore, and my muscles were cramped. I sat up slowly, feeling the sting in my body.

I opened my eyes again, slowly this time, wary of the amount of light. I looked around to see that my surroundings were exactly the same, except, I was tied to the chair again and she was sitting in another chair opposite me.

She was staring at me with her blue eyes, as if observing my every move.

Well that must be hard since I’m tied to a chair!

I looked at her with a confused expression, although inside I was more disappointed that she still had a mask on, rather than confused.

We stared at each other for about ten seconds before she decided to speak.

“You’ve been out for about half an hour.” She stated, blankly.

“Really?” I asked, shocked. It felt like I’d been out a lot longer than that.

I think it’s kind of weird how I keep passing out, I’ve only ever fainted once before and that’s because I got a cricket ball to the head. It hurt like hell for a second before I’d passed out.

“Seems that you’ve been passing out a lot lately.” She stated, once again, as if reading my mind.

This chick has got me thinking that she’s a psychic or something.

“Um… Why did I pass out?” I asked her. I know it sounded stupid but I couldn’t remember why it happened, I just knew that it did.

“You were banging on the door, making as much noise as you possibly could and I think that, and the headache, caused you to faint.” She said, still staring at me blankly.

“Well that wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t ignore my pleas.” I fired back at her.

Her face turned angry. The knuckles by her side clenched and turned white. Her eyes narrowed, glaring at me, as if she expected lasers to shoot from her eyes and at me.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have messed with my life, then you wouldn’t be in this situation.” She spoke, trying to keep her voice low, preventing from shouting.

She stood up abruptly, making the chair scratch against the marble floor as it slid back, making a huge screeching sound as she did so.

She turned to the door and walked out of the light.

Damn, I probably shouldn’t have said that.

For a few seconds, I didn’t hear anything. I was expecting a door opening then slamming, or the switch of a light. But what I heard instead confused me.

It sounded like a high-pitched scratching sound.

I heard her heels slowly making their way over to me, making me flinch with every clack.

“I’m not happy with you right now Harry.” She emerged from the darkness.

In her hand she held a roll of duct tape, and was in the process of ripping a piece off with her teeth.

“I really don’t think that’s necessary, love.” I said, shaking my head vigorously.

“Well I do, love.” She spat, venom lining the word ‘love’.

Geez, it’s a habit, no need to make fun of it.

She managed to get a piece off without breaking a tooth. She walked behind me and fastened the tape over my mouth.

“I’ll be seeing you Harry.” She said, walking around to look at me.

I tried to say ‘you sneaky little brat’, but it ended up coming out as “Mm… snnn… lllll…..bra….”.

“Bye, Harry.” She said, I caught the smirk just before turned around and walked out of the dim light.

A few seconds later, I heard the door open and slam, hard and fast.

There I was, left in the dark.




Hey guys, I said I would update and so I did. 

Liv x

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