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When I woke up the morning of the wedding, I was in a good mood. The sun was shining, it was surprisingly warm for English weather, and I felt on top of the world. And I had a reason to be so positive, my best friend, (I say this even though we’re practically brothers) was getting married today.

 Nothing could get me down, but when I realised how alone I was, I found myself envying Zayn. He’d found someone to love till he grew old. To bear his children, and to wake up to every morning.

 I knew that Louis and Eleanor were just as much in love and I was expecting him to pop the question in the near future. I wasn’t quite sure which direction Liam and Sophia were headed in, but they seemed very much in love.

That left Niall and I.

Niall knew that he didn’t need anyone, that’s why he was still waiting for the right person to come along. But I however did. I needed someone who needed me as well.

But no matter how bad I thought that the day would get, I didn’t imagine getting kidnapped by a random chick. Especially with her psychotic ways.

I presumed that it had been about an hour since I woke up and I was getting impatient.

According to the girl’s watch, it had been 27 hours since I last ate or drank, and I had to admit that I would let her sit on my lap and feed me, if it meant that I would get a decent meal to silence my stomach’s growling.

So, in order to get what I desired, I screamed. It seems quite girly, but in the situation I was in, I thought it sounded quite brave on my part.

The scream was high-pitched, and sounded a three-year old girl’s, who had had her doll taken off her.

 Within seconds, I heard the door swing open and heels racing towards me, stopping at the line of the dim light. The only part of her body that was visible was her feet, as if that would do me any good.

I clenched my stomach, making it seem as though I was in pain.

“Let me guess, you want food? And water?” She spoke. I just quickly nodded my head.

“You are going to have to do something for me before I do anything for you.” She said, remaining out of the spotlight.

 I just whispered, “Anything,” nodding along.

 “Tell me what the moth means.” She requested.

 I shot my head up and looked into the darkness, hoping that was where she was standing.

After a minute of silence (except for the obvious growl of my stomach), I finally spoke.

“Well first off, it’s not a moth, it’s a butterfly,” I started, I swear I heard her giggle faintly, “and I got it because it displays how free I wish I was.”

I looked at the darkness longily before adding, “I don’t like it when people follow my every move. It’s so stalkerish, even though it’s normal in this business.” I dropped my hand down to look at my lap.

‘What exactly was I thinking when I opened up to her?’ you may ask. The answer is simple. ‘I wasn’t thinking, i just knew that I needed to eat.’

“That’s good enough Styles, I’ll be back with something you can eat.” I heard the smile in her voice, causing me to smile. I got what I wanted and it wasn’t even that hard, even though I had to open up to her in order to get it.

I heard the door slam and I was left in the silence once again.

I looked around me, trying to spot something in the light, but the only thing that shone in the light was the chair and myself.

I wondered how I could escape when these ropes didn’t even seem a little bit loose. I contemplated chewing on the ropes with my teeth, but then reconsidered it. I looked up, squinting from the light.

 If only I could get my head high enough, I’d be able to swing the light and see what was hidden in this room.

I was pondering the solidity of that plan, when I heard the door’s knob twist, creaked open, and then slammed violently.

“You better not be thinking of ways to escape, because I will find you.” She came into the light, her mask still covering her face from my view.

“You’re right Harry, you aren’t a butterfly, and you’ll never be as free as one either.” She whispered in my ear harshly.

How dare she! She didn’t know how much that tattoo meant to me, I hadn’t explained the whole story to her, and with that remark, I don’t think I ever will.

She chuckled darkly (which to be honest, made me scared as hell).

“Here, eat this and stop moaning and groaning, you have no idea how crazy it’s driving me.” She finished.

The mouth hole of the mask was lifted up by the skin underneath it, showing her smirk clearly.

 She untied the ropes and I fell to the floor. Either she gave me something to slow me down, or I was just having a clumsy day.

 “Eat up, Styles.” I heard, as the clicking of her heels faded into the distance behind the room’s door.


Well guys, I'm not dead, even though for the last week, it appeared that I had been. I'm sorry for the long wait, but I stayed up until 11:00 last night writing this.

Chapter dedicated to my newest follower: ImagineNono

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting,

Liv x

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