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The sheer force of the door shutting was enough to throw me almost off my feet but I knew that if I wanted to go through with this then I had to be confident and strong, to instead of finding the door in my face as a method f dismissal but as an invitation to then knock again. SSo I summoned every bit of me that I couyld and raised my hand to knock on the door, again.

I heard the fainstest sigh behind the door before it wqas opened and he was in front of me again. I still couldn't comprehend that he was right in front of me, that this was actually real.

"What in the name of Satan do you want?" he grumbled. He was still in the same attire as I saw him in back at the station.

"Should I take the name of ';Satan' part as an offense?" I asked. I don't knhow why but I was stalling myself from saying wwhat I came here to say.

"Yes. Now what is it that you wanted?" he asks, not even being nice about it, which Is weird considering he let me walk out of that police station with not a penny gone and not a day pent in jail.

"I wanted to say thank you about letting me go..." he didn't let me finih what I was saying before he cut me off.

"Well you're welcome now leave." He said, quite harshly that so a shiver went down my spine.

"But I also wanted to ask you why." I said and he remained silent, his eyes not moving an inch, still staring at me with a blank stare on his face.

"And I really would like an answer." I prompted, and I meant it.

"Because of reasons even I don't understand." He said, the blank stare remained on his face.

"Maybe I will." I urged, it was an indirect invitation for him to explain it to me.

"Nope." He answered.

"Okay, well, thank you again." I said, going to turn around when he whispers my name.

"Yes?" I spin around, anticipating what he's going to say. He's going to invite me in to talk about it.

But all he does is whisper, "have a safe trip home," and then closes the door. Thankfully not as forcefully as before when he slammed it in my face.

I walk out into the London air, chilly but not too cold that I'm shivering. I had absolutely no idea how I was getting home, or which way home even was. I wasn't allowed to bring my phone and anyway, it had crappy reception, as it was only an old LG.

I started walking in a random direction and went on to ask strangers for directions to the road that leads west out of London but most just ignored me. I finally stumbled across someone who could direct me and even their directions were lacking some details. But I managed to find my way and I did something I'd hoped I'd never have to do but it was the only way.

I stuck my thumb up in the air and waited. Another long process until a kind truckie offered to drive me west. He smelt like beer and goat cheese, a strange combination.

After so many hours on the road with this chatty and overly cheery man, I was finally home. I was glad when he propped me off a few miles from my house (I didn't want him knowing where I lived) because that guy had a gut that could be mistaken for a women's stomach, 6 months into pregnancy.

When I finally made it to my house, I opened the door, which wasn't locked (the police just don't care do they?) and walked into the eerie house.

I went straight to the old CD player on the kitchen counter and put on my favourite radio station, one of the only three that are available here. That was alittle bbit better but I still felt lonely as hell. I've alsways wanted to get a dog to keep me company but I'd always have to tell myself that I couldn't afford to feed it and maintain it.

I went to work, cleaning up floor and the glass vase that one of the policemen must have bumped over (again, they just don't care do they?) then putting the dirty clothes into the washing machine and checking the mail.

There was two letters, one was an electricity bill and the other was a bank notice.

I threw bill aside and tore open the second letter, wanting to get the bad news over with already.

I skipped all the complicated stuff and went straight to the total balance right at the bottom and trying not to freak out when there was only twelve thousands pounds left.

I didn't even bother to open the bill or put the rubbish on the bin, heading straight up to my room. Today has been quite exhausting and going to bed early seemed like the right thing to do. I passed the door that I'd put Harry in and stared at it for a little too long. Only interrupted because my eyes were drooping, anxious for sleep.

I quickly stripped and dressed into PJ's, looking over at my bed and slightly smiling. The only place where I don't have to worry about anything and everything.

I got in and was fast to fall asleep, the image of the '£12,000' from the bank notice still in the back of my mind but staying hidden for now. Right now, I could sleep, without having to worry about feeding myself, paying for mum and the bills. I loved sleep more than anyone could realise really.

I woke the next morning and sighed, not wanting to even open my eyes let alone get up. Nevertheless I still did and went downstairs to make my breakfast. A bowl of cornflakes and a full stomach later and I was upstairs again, getting dressed and ready for the day.

The day consisted of more jobs around the house; the dishes were easy because I was the only one living here.

Later that evening I logged onto my laptop to pay the bills, paying each one, leaving the dreaded hospital bills for last. When I did finish all but the hospital bill, I hesitantly clicked through and was about to pay for it when the sum at the bottom showed that it had already been paid in full. I was completely confused and went to call up the hospital but I decided against it knowing that it would just cost me more money. I thought about it, not being able to tear my eyes from the screen, the right (but not necessarily moral) choice would be to leave it, and it's not like it's affecting me in a bad way, in fact, this is a good thing, I'll have more money saved.

I just decided to let it be and closed my laptop, going to the kitchen to get dinner ready, nothing special, like always, just some chicken stir-fry. I knew I had to go shopping soon and I always hated going because it was such a long drive there and back.

I got myself ready for bed, making sure to have a nice but short shower.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face, the already paid hospital bill long forgotten.


I made that edit at the top myself and trust me, i know how much it sucks. I'm still getting used to using photoshop bc i've been using picmonkey all these years. Yeah so, I hope you liked this chapter. What happened with her mum's hospital bills oooooo..... I'm pretty sure it's kinda easy to guess though so... now i feel stupid.


Liv x

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