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“Got enough to make the ocean look like it’s apart, got enough to turn the valleys into mountaintops.” – Tove Lo, Got Love.

Harry POV

My motto was to always be prepared, no matter where you were going; you had to be ready for anything.

And although it was my motto, the phrase that you are supposed to live by, often I screwed up.

Take Amelia for example. I wasn’t prepared for someone to kidnap me, I wasn’t prepared for the kidnapper to be a fan, and I definitely wasn’t prepared to fall in love with said kidnapper.

Some would say it’s good to be surprised every now and then, some would say to embrace it and chase after her. But is that really an option, the girl kidnapped me, kept me locked up in a basement and fed me vodka in order to get me drunk.

To me, that screams, ‘PHYSCHOTIC’. But I can’t deny that part of me that would move mountains for her.

That’s why I haven’t gone outside the apartment in over a week now, because I don’t have that piece of me that used to get me up everyday, the piece that Amelia stole from me. I feel like she is the only reason for anything anymore, like she is the soul reason that I exist.

And now that I’d spilt the beans (or rather a bean because I only said her name) I had a reason to get out of the apartment. I couldn’t let them find her, no matter what it takes.

The only problem with that was the guards who had taken it upon themselves to babysit me. Understood they are just doing their job, but can’t they at least come in and sit on the sofa and chill instead of standing like statues in front of my door.

My conundrum was resolved when my eyes spotted the unguarded window.



I climbed out, trying my best not to make any noise. It was extremely hard not to react to the lack of any heat, while making sure that I didn’t get my coat stuck in the windowsill.

I got onto the fire escape and made my descent to the ground, not even looking back as I walked away, paranoid that the guards were watching me.

The police office was only a few blocks away but when I spotted a few cameramen waiting outside of the apartment complex. At that moment I was extremely glad that I’d gone for the coat that had a hoodie so I flipped it over my head, tucking away my curls and keeping my eyes peeled to the ground. I walked in the opposite direction to them, thankful that I didn’t have to pass them.

It only took me a little bit to get to the station but when I got there I wasn’t sure where the hell I was to go. I’d overheard Paul on the phone and he’d said that he was going to be here at 11 and it was now about 10:30 so I only had to wait here for 30 minutes and look like I’m supposed to be here.

I grabbed out my phone and resisted the urge of going on Twitter, who knows what it’s going to look like. Instead I went to Stick Hero and started building the mini bridges for the mini ninja. I was really glad that I’d left my phone at home by accident before the party unless she would’ve…

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