27) the end is only the beginning

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A/n:this is the last chapter, and will have no p.o.v and all the parts are happening at the same time just on the characters different ends of things. there will be a sequeal
Days passed, and they waited anxiously for the oncoming battle. Sebastian never slept, keeping watch. Star slept when she could, most nights plagued with night terrors. The new Phantomhive familiars took turns resting and doing rounds, ready to kill any uninvited guest. No one knew when the tragedy would strike, they only grew paranoid of the unknown. The days grew colder, shorter, and white snow filled the ground.

Slowly Star got out of bed, having slept all day and got prepared for the watch of the night. She made her way out if the room. She stepped into the hallway, feeling tense air. Suddenly glass flew into the air, shards bouncing off the wall into more tiny projectiles of death. Her arms flew toward her eyes, sheilding them.

Envy and Lust

Envy and Lust stood in a hallway, back to back. Snakes slithered from about every direction. Lust could only step on them and change between her cat and human form to hunt. Envy lit her body up, emitting a warm glow, and slowly began turning the demonic snakes to ash. "How dare you kill my babiess." Toxica stepped out of the shadows, her reptile features standing out. Her body class in nothing but scales and some thin cloth covering her lady parts. The twin cats were in their maid uniforms, and stood on guard. "Well aren't you...daring," Envy stated looking her up and down. Lust gave a smirk,"hope your ready to go down like the prey you are."

Toxica summoned her prized cobra. "Uh oh, Lust think you could hold that snake off, ur better at hunting prey like that." Lust went into her cat form and unleashed a hiss and growl, pink eyes narrowing and unleashing wrath. As Cornelius came rushing at them, Lust brought her claws down, right across the snakes face, blinding it. She and envy jumped as it spat out acidic poison. Biting it was out of the question, she could already feel poison kick in her claws. She hissed and went to human form, her hands swelling up. Envy screeched her body glowing up more, she had just been set to rage mode seeing her sister hurt. She clicked down her heel and fire scorched the Cobra and it wreathed and hissed into ash. She took her hands and put them over Lust's, to prolong the effect of the poison.

Toxica let out a holler and clutched her chest. Lust was quick to think, and her eyes glowed, and zoomed into Toxica. Toxica stummbled back into a trance, hallucinating her deepest desire. She began whispering quietly to herself, letting her guard down. Slowly Envy made her way to Toxica. If she made one wrong move Lust's hallucinations would fade. She warmed up her hands and touched Toxica's chest, and watched as she faded to ash, no screamed were heard, for Toxica was lost in her own head when she died.

Lucinda and midnight

The once beautiful Phantomhive garden, was now like an overgrown jungle. Filled with vines, exotic, and demonic plants. They could hear possible hungry screams of plants that want to be fed. The girls in their human forms looked at each other. "I don't trust going in there midnight." "The thing causing this is probably in the center, so we have too." Lucinda's green eyes scanned the area. Midnight swished her pitch black hair and took a step into the jungle Queen's domain. Lucinda followed behind her cat like reflexes on sensitive.

For it being a tragic night, the colorful flowers, clashed with the snow to make an exquisite scene. Lucinda took the scene in, Midnight's body reflected like the full moon, her face that of a hunter, preparing to catch her prey. When they reached the center they were met with who was causing this.

"I guess you must be Poison Lilly," Midnight stated her tone with a hiss. The woman known as Poison Lilly looked down to them, sitting on her throne of ecentric colored petals. She had
Long blonde hair, and seemingly glowing blue and green eyes. Her outfit consist of a tight body suit and she had all kind of vines on her body. Her skin had looked like she was kissed by the sun gods and her voice sounded sweet, yet toned with warnings of danger. Midnight took in her surroundings, counting the possible outcomes. "Oh look, her little pets, you guys will make great food for my plants."

Vines with thorns shot out of the ground. They wrapped around Lucinda but Midnight jumped out of the way. Lucinda chose to get caught, for this plants had to be connected to her being, meaning they would hold memories. Midnight fought and tangled vines as Lucinda placed her hand against one, and seeing into her head. "Midnight her abdomen, it's got a weak spot from an incident when she was younger!" Midnight nodded. "It's time for lights out, tell me can u see in the dark?" Her eyes lit up in a cat like form and the area was covered in a think dark haze of black. Midnight moved like a shadow and made a kick into her abdomen. Poison Lilly was winded and could barely stand. She caoughed and whezzed and midnight made sure to keep Lilly's eyes hazed with black so she couldn't see, Envy would have to deal me final blow.

Star and Sebastian

When the glass finally stopped flying she opened her eyes to Sebastian guarding her. They looked to each other as haze of dark enemy minons could be seen. Sebastian and the servants were fighting and Star felt faint for the dark tension as she wobbled on her legs. Suddenly it cleared up in the area. Standing before her was the red hooded witch, Scarlet disappting app of the dark enemies. "So sorry I'm late dear," Scarlet's red lips spoke words that brought hope to Star's fight. "Now let's go clean up this mess I partially started." Scarlet looked towards the way to the front entrance.

Sebastian, Star, Scarlet and Undertaker stood at the top of the stairs. The doors blew open and in walk Camille. Cloaked in an all black tight dress. Her hair in skin was now a pale white, and her once bright blue eyes were now a stormy grey. "Oh look at that, I have an audience," she snickered with a evil grin. Two black shadow dogs on chains surrounded her, ready to attack. Star knew one of them had to be William. Sebastian's eyes narrowed at the dark witch, and Scarlet powered up magic into her hands. "I didn't think a student of mine would dwell so dark." Undertaker prepared his sythe. Star was only to defend and not fight, in fear for something happening to the babies. The battle commenced with a battle cry from the black with and the dogs came unchained, bearing teeth. Sebastian and Undertaker took on the dogs as Scarlet and Camille battled it out with magic. Things were so very confusing happening at once. The dogs that were all there had been put down, and Scarlet had managed to one up Camille with a fire spell, Scarlet's special. Camille panted and was on her knees, as the 3 walked towards her they froze. She laughed like a maniac even though she was bloody and bruised. A rather large black wolf walked through and star froze, it was William. "Before I take my leave let me leave you with a gift, sister dear." A dark rod flew threw the three so fast no one knew what happened until star screamed out in pain. The sharp rod had gone clean threw her abodmen, and she had been put to her knees. Camille was gone in a blink of an eye along with William.


Poison Lilly had also escaped from the help of William. Lucinda had a possibility of crushed ribs. Lust could feel the poison spreading, bit each of them felt a pain much worse ad they made their way to their master. Star was clutching her abdomen tears streaking her face. Everyone silently mourned that night for the lost of innocent beings. Scarlet did her best to heal everyone but she couldn't bring back the loss that Sebastian and Star were feeling. Undertaker, the fan of death, even bowed his head in sorrow.

This was the moment Star marked her words and will never forget that she will show Camille more pain then she could handle.


A/n: yes this last chapter is quite sad, sorry for that, but let's move on to the q&a section:
Dark_Flame_Rose asks, Sebastian when will you propose to Star, or are you not getting married because of the mating contract?
S:hm well technically we wouldn't have to get married, since the mating contract combines are souls, so if we were to do a wedding it would before show or to fit in to human society.
Me:alright guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys soon ~kitten out

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