24) his butler- shock never last long with a cat

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  I sighed as the 3 servants congratulate me once again. "Isn't it exciting to be a mother  Ms.Star?" Meyrin asked me. I smiled a little. "A little yes, but I think Sebastian is more excited than I am," I giggled out. After all not all demons can successfully have children. Me being a half demon helped with the odds I suppose. The little get together with the servants was fun, but I was tired. I walked to my room. There on the desk, sat a box. I looked at it cautiously, and red the note on top of it. "Congratulations my beautiful, hope you like it~J." I shakily opened the box, showing my old baby rattle and froze. I quickly threw it in the closet and slammed the door shut.  I should've known they would find out. I held my breath shakily. "What's wrong kitten?" I looked up at Sebastian suddenly by my side. He pulled me into a hug and changed me into my night gown.

"It's gonna be okay," he whispered as he pet my tail under my lilac night gown. I closed my eyes, resting my head against his chest. "I'll protect you kitten, no matter what." "I know you will Sebastian, I just don't want you hurt," I whispered into his chest. He kissed one of my ears making it twitch. "Just relax kitten, if a problem happens I'll take care of it, besides I can't die." I held my tongue and let out a shaky sigh. I'll just let him think I believe him.

   "Sebastian?" "Yes Star?" "I'm cold, hungry, and sleepy." "As demanding as always, let's go in the break room. I'll start the fireplace, and bring you some warm milk and cake." I giggled at my new treatment I was getting from the demon. "Yay! I get to get spoiled." I could tell his was mentally sighing, but he was smiling too.

  I sat in the comfy chair, staring at the warm flames that danced. Every now and then I would take small sips from my milk and eat my cake. "Thank you Sebastian." "Anything for you kitten." My eyelids began to droop, the warmth wrapped around me.

  Sebastian plopped me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me as his hands landed on my soon to be baby bump. I closed my eyes purring in bliss.


"Mama?" "Yes Star?" "Why am I different from the other kids?" "Because you're special dear." Suddenly a crack of thunder erupted making me jump. An evil sounding laughter filled the room. "I had everything before you were born." Mother fell to the floor, blood pooling around her. I let out a shriek, looking up at the monster infront of me. A black dress, pale skin, eyes a murderous green. "You're half monster, yet everyone loves you!" She slashed again and dad was there. Soon he fell too. "Because of you! No one loves me because of you!" The knife was inches from my throat as tears streamed down my face. "I'm sorry big sister."
*Dream end*

  I awoke with a jolt, shivering. If these nightmares keep going then I'll be stressed forever. Sebastian pulled me close to his sleeping figure. I gently traced his skin with the tip of my finger.

   "I won't let you control me anymore Camille."

Chibi:welcome to the Demon Neko Hime show, I'm your host chibi! Today's question is from Midnight1314

She asks:star and Sebastian do u guys want a bit or a girl, and Ciel what do you hope they have?

Star:ooh a girl sounds lovely, I can dress her up and I bet she would be so cute

Sebastian:*pales* uh yeah I want a boy, girls are difficult especially when going through the demon change.

Ciel: I don't really care...And who said anything about me being god father!

Undertaker:don't forget I'll be grandpa undertaker hehehe

Chibi:alright guys enough. Well I hope that answered you questions. I'll see u guys in the chapter 25 q&a just drop ur questions down in the comments~chibi out

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