Sneek peak

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*two years later*

"Olivia wake up. Wake up, sweetie we need to keep driving," my mom whispers while shaking me.

I rub my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask.

"7:38a.m." She responds and i get up. I change into nice clothes and we go back to driving.

We're only in south Carolina. More hours to come.

Fun right?

Hayes isnt going to accept me again. He's not going to be in love with me anymore, its been two years. He probably hates me. But all i want is to see his face. To hear his voice telling me he still loves me. But is that going to happen? No. Its not.

I want to see nash. I know he wont hate me as much as hayes. Nash didnt love me the way hayes did. He loved me as a sister not a girlfriend.

"Have you told linda that im safe?" I question.

"Yeah, i told her you have been safe for the whole two years, and that she will see you soon," she responds and i nod.

"What about the boys?" I ask.

"No, i didnt. I wanted it to be surprise," she replies.

She didnt tell them yet. What if i get there and they dont even remember me? What if they forgot who i am? A tear almost escapes my eye but i dont let it. I blink away the tears and mom doesnt notice.

All these what ifs will just have to wait to be answered.


The car stops in front of The house.

"Mom, i dont think im ready, lets just go home," i say. "No, Olivia. You're gonna walk up to that door and you're gonna see them. You need to. Its been too long and i drove too far to go back," she demands.

"But mom-" i start but she stops me."Go!" She says pointing her long finger to their front door.

I unlock the door and get out. I walk up the front steps and im only a foot away from the door.

This is it. This is where everything changes between hayes, nash, and i. Everything.

I look back at my mom. "You'll be fine," she lips to me.

I turn back around to the door and knock loudly and clearly.

"I GOT IT!" I hear hayes yell. Shit.

My heart bets faster and my palms get sweatier. Its time.

I glance at my mom. What if he doesnt--


Go add the sequel to your library to find out more!

This is just a section of the first chalter in the sequel so theres moreeee.

Im gonna try to make long and detailed chapterss.

The sequel is called "reunited (sequel to unsafe love)"

So go read it!

Thanks for everything.


unsafe love // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now