Twenty six-change

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"Olivia, please wake up. Its been a week and im scared you arent gonna wake up," i hear and then some sniffling at the end.

I open my eyes and instantly close it afterwards because of the blinding light shining."OLIVIA! NURSE, SHES AWAKEE!" He yells.

I blink rapidly so my eyes can adjust to the brightness.once i can see again, i attempt to sit up but my sides ache so i cant move. I lay there motionless.

"Olivia walkins?" I hear a lady say. I look towards the door,"yes?"

"Do you feel okay?" She asks and then walks to me looking at the monitors. Really? What kind of question is that?a stupid one, thats what kind of question that is."umm..not really," i respond.

Nash walks in," hayes i think we should go, i dont think shes--" he starts but then sees me.

"Olivia!" He shouts and then rushes over to my side. "You're awake!" He says. "Haha no shit," i say laughing but it hurts so i stop.

"You've been asleep for a week. Im so glad you're have woken up!" He says. "Sweetie, do you remember what happened?" The nurse says and i move my head to look at her.

"Umm yes, i do remember," i whisper.

"Okay well the doctor has already talked to the two other girls and got their side of the story and they want to hear yours too," she replies.

More shit. I have the best life ever.

"Okay, when?" I question. "Can you talk to them right now? They have been waiting for a week," she says.

"Yeah, of course," i say.

She walks out of the room and about five minutes later two men come of them is short and has short blond hair. The other one is tall, bald, and older."Can you boys leave so we can talk?" The taller man says with his deep voice. Nash and hayes nod and walk out but before leaving they glance back at me.

"So, tell us what you remember," the shorter one commands and then pulling out a note pad to write things down.

"Okay, umm. I was at the beach and i needed to go to the bathroom. So i went and i saw them. Sydney and lindsay. They both have dated Hayes. They both hated me and wanted to ruin my love life. So when i saw them Lindsay kept calling me a slut and blaming me for why hayes broke up with her. He broke up with her because he still loved me and well i had it enough and i dont know why i did this. But i jumped on her. I hit her first. I only pulled her hair and slapped her twice. Sydney pulled me off and threw me to the wall. She kicked both of my sides. The second kick made me fall and hit my head. Thats why im here," i explain nervously.

I was the one who hit first. They were just defending them selves. And now im gonna have the punishment.

"So, what you're saying is that you hit her first," he asks.

"U-umm y-yeah i g-guess. I dont know why i did it. I-i have never did something like that," i stutter staring at the black dot on the ground.

"Mhmm," the taller one hums and then they both get up to leave.

Once they close the door behind them i start balling my eyes out. Whats gonna happen? Am i gonna be im trouble? Please noo.

Nash and hayes walk in and see my crying. They run over and hug me. "Its okaaayyyy, olivia. Calm dowwnnn," hayes says with his soothing voice.

"Yeah, its okaaayyyy now calm down, loser," he says jokingly trying to light up the mood but it doesnt work.

I stop crying after a few minutes. Nash gets up and pulls a chair next to the bed.

unsafe love // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now