Chapter four

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••nash POV••


I open my eyes immediately and groan. I really need to change my ringtone. I grab my phone and look at the time 4:00a.m.

Oh yeahhh we have to leave to go to San Diego for magcon!

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and dont do anything to my hair because all we are doing is going to the airport. After brushing my teeth i put my tooth brush in my backpack.

What am i wearing on the plane? grab basketball shorts out of my drawer, a blue tank top, and a hoodie and slide it over my body.I get my back pack and suitcase and walk downstairs.

I wasnt hungry so i didnt eat anything.

I pull out my phone and check twitter. Maybe i should tweet something..

@nashgrier: just got ready for the plane to San diego!!! Who's ready?

I push tweet and then the door bell rings.I shove my phone in my back pocket and run to the door. I open it and it reveals Olivia."hey olivia! do you have everything? hayes is still getting ready," i say and she just nods and looks back to her mom and waves goodbye.

She steps in and sets her stuff down near the door.after that she walks to the couch and sits.

"So Olivia...Any boys you interested in?"i laugh.

She shifts a little bit. "no" she responds.

I smirk at her. "Whos the lucky guy?"

"No o--" i start but hayes' yelling cuts me off.

"HELLO YOUNG FELLOWS HAYES HAS ENTERED THE ROOM," he yells and i immediately take my hand and cover his mouth.

"shut up hayes! your going to wake someone up with your huge mouth!" I whisper yell at him and he just licks my hand so i let go but i dont.

It doesnt disgust me. He pushes my hand off and walks over to Olivia. They would be cute together to be honest. but he likes Sydney for some odd reason.

Theres something off about Sydney. I dont trust her for some reason. I never had and i never will. But i cant force hayes to dump her especially because he "loves" her.

My mom comes out of her bedroom and tells us to get into the car.


"Bye mom i love you and i will miss you!" i scream.

"Nash be quiet! You are going to get in to trouble! And i love you too! Take care of Olivia and hayes! I dont want them to be missing any type of body part when they come back!" she laughs.

"Yea ok ill try!" i laugh along.

We get into the airport and do all the security things and thingsthat take an insane amount of time.


Soooo yea thats chapter 4 i wanted to do nash's POV this time. So what do you think Sydney's going to do?

Remember to comment and vote!

K thanks


unsafe love // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now