Twenty four-together again?

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•Lindsay's Pov•

"Lindsay,we need to talk," he whispers.

Shit i hope its nothing bad. I sit up."Whats up?" I ask.

"Okay. Umm this is gonna be hard to say," he says."are you, are you...breaking up with me," i question. Please tell me you're not.

" really sorry. I like you and all but i still love Olivia. I never stopped actually. Im really really sorry. You're an amazing girl its just Olivia and i have so much history..and she makes me happy," he explains. Does that mean i dont make him happy?

She did it. Without even trying she did it. She took hayes. But not fully yet. All i got to do is make sure she doesnt say yes. If im able to stay here.

"Hayes, i understand but where am i gonna stay?" I ask.

"I think it would be best if you packed and left," he says. He wants me to..leave? This hurts like a mother freaker.

I get up and walk out of the room. Im not going to cry. Im not going to cry. Hes just a guy. A guy that i liked. Nono. Loved. I loved him and im not giving up on him.

i walk upstairs and into Olivia's room. I see Olivia crying. This makes me happy. Seeing her in pain. She deserves to be hurt. She did hurt my love life so why not return the favor?

"Oh olivia. Poor poor olivia," i say with the last word more bold.

She looks up. Her bloodshot eyes staring into mine. "What do you want?" She questions clearly irritated of me.

"Sweetie. I came up here to tell you the best new you will ever want to hear! Hayes Broke up with me! And it was because of you! If he asks you out and you say yes i swear ill kill you," i threaten and then she gets scared but also happy at the same time.

•olivia Pov•

"Bitch, again im not your slave. You cant tell me what to do. I can say yes if i want to And i love him so im saying yes," i snap at her and she laughs.

"You say yes.....and.....and...... i'll hurt hayes. Emotionally and physically," she says. She wouldnt.

"If you love him, you wouldnt want to hurt him," i whisper.

"Shut the fuck up, okay? I dont need you telling me if i love him or not because i do love him!" She shouts.

I stand up. I get up into her face. "Okay, you know what?! You need to sit your ass down and grow up. He doesnt like you anymore and im sorry about that. He choose me over you. And even if you made me say no then whats gonna happen after that? Because if he does get back with you it will only to try to make me jealous so you will just be the rejected one and second choice. Now dont go around my house telling me to shut the fuck up and treating me like a dog. You can go grab your worthless stuff and leave, NOW!" I yell at her moving her back every time i say a word until she her back hits the wall. She looks shocked of what she just said.

"Im sorry. Okay?! I just love him and hes all i got!" She screams back and then runs down the steps into her room. A few seconds later she comes out of the room with all her crap.

Shes leavinggg. Finally. She opens the door and glances back up at me. She starts crying and runs out the door.


But i still feel guilty about what i said to her...was that too mean? What am i saying? Im turning into a bitch.

Oh shit. I should of apologized.

Wait...hayes still loves me. I smile at the thought that he still has feelings for me.

I skip back into my room and go to bed.


•nash Pov•

My alarm goes off and i groan.i slap the button to make it shut up.then i relies its the first day of magcon!

I quickly get up and run to carters room. I knock continuously. "CARTER! Get ya ass up! Magcoonnnn is today!" I yell and hear a groan behind the doorz "c'mon carterr," i say.

"Yeah yeah. Im getting up," he answers and i laugh.

I run down the steps and to hayes's room. I knock on the door. "Hayes! Get up! Magcon is today!" I shout. "Ugghhhhhh its too earlyyy!" He replies.

"Get your lazy ass up, hayes!" I yell.

I walk into the living room and see Olivia sleeping. I go over to her and shake her. "Wakey wakey. C'mon olivia time to get ready!" I say and she opens her eyes.

"Okay," she responds and goes up to her room.


"Wow! Magcon was sooo fun!" Matt says. "YEAHHH! Hey you guys what are we doing now?" Taylor asks.

"Do you guys wanna come and sleep over at my place for tonight?" I question and they all say yes.

"We just got to grab our stuff," jack j says and i nod.

"Wait hayes...wheres Lindsay?" Nash questions and i jerk my head up to look at him.

"Ohh umm...she left...because....umm...i brome up with her..." He replies.

"Oh im sorry," he says back but hayes just responds with "nah. I like someone else".


"So what do you guys wanna do?" Carter asks.

"Movie?" I suggest.

"Yeah lets watch a movie!" They all agree.

"Okay you guys pick out a movie out of that cabinet while i grab drinks and snacks," i say pointing to a long brown cabinet next to the T.V.

I rush into the kitchen and grab everything. 11 water bottles, popcorn, candy, and chips.

I walk back into the living room. "So, what movie?"

"Catching fire," taylor responds while putting the CD in.


I place the snacks near where we are sitting and give everyone a water.

Once everyone is comfortable the movie starts and we all relax.



They all yell trying to make a random vine.

Oh taylor with his cock yelling.

"Im gonna be right back!" I yell. I need to charge my phone since it has 4%.

I rush up the stairs and into my room. I plug it in and turn around bumping into someone. "Sorry," i say and then look up.

Oh its hayes. "No, im sorry," he says and we both laugh.

"Olivia, we have to talk," he says with a more serious voice.

"Mmkay," i hum. "I-i still love you," he stutters staring at the ground.

"Hayes, i-i love you, too," i smile.

"Really?" He says.

"Really," i laugh.

"So what are we gonna do?" I question.

"We are gonna make this work. I love you, girlfriend?" He answers.

I smile. "Okay, i love you too,boyfriend".


Sooo. They are back together.


Haha ok im such a freak.

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unsafe love // hayes grierWhere stories live. Discover now