Identity Crisis

161 8 6

I appear to have

a problem.

I'm being torn in two.

You see, I am always either 

very very good 

or very very bad.

There is no in between.

So I either want to rip you limb from limb

and serve your head on a silver platter to your own mother

or I want to bake cookies for you

and adopt stray kittens and puppies.

It's very strange

and even a bit annoying

because it's very hard to switch between the two.

In the same way, it seems that everyone else

either loves me

or can't stand me.

There is no in between.

I'm fine with that,

I think.

The problem comes in

when I want to be very very bad

around the people who love me,

and I want to be very very good

to the people who can't stand me.

Whoever decided to make me like this

must be some kind of sadistic bastard

and I hope he's getting a good laugh out of it.

I'd hate to have someone put forth so much effort 

and then have them gain nothing from it.

I might as well put on a show, I suppose.

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