This is who I am

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Who am I?

Well, dear stranger,

if it isn't obvious now

then you're blind, I'm afraid.

All you need to know

is that I'm dangerous.

I'm destructive

and I have a short temper

and I just want to explode

and, more often than not,

I do.

I don't particularly care

who I hurt

or who I trample

to get what I want.

It's nothing personal, I swear.

I'm not the type to feel too guilty

about the things I do

because it's a waste of my time.

I'm nothing

but a harsh truth,

because no matter what

I'm always honest,

though I have my fair share of secrets.

I'll hurt you

with my words

and with sticks and stones

and you'll never see it coming

and you'll never have it in you to fight back.

In short,

I'm the girl

that your parents warned you about.

And though I'll feel no remorse,

it's easier for everyone involved

if you just stay away.

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