They say there's strength in numbers

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I don't need you

to open doors for me.

I don't need you

to pull out my chair.

I don't need you

to rescue me.

I don't need you

to fight my battles for me.

Just because

I'm a girl

doesn't make me weak.

It doesn't make me incapable of taking care of myself.

Believe me when I say

I appreciate the gesture

but I can handle myself.

I've done okay so far, haven't I?

So just because

I'll wear a dress

and mascara

doesn't mean I'm not capable of opening a door.

Just because

I'm wearing lipstick

it doesn't mean I'm vulnerable

or that I'm a damsel in distress.

Just because

I wear heels

that sometimes I can barely walk in

doesn't mean I'm not a fighter.

I don't need you to fight my battles,

and I don't want you to.

But it wouldn't hurt

to have you by my side.

I can handle anything life throws at me

and I know you can too,

but it sure would be nice if we did it together.

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