Beauty comes in every shape and size

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I saw her there

in the McDonald's.

Not very poetic, I know,

not at all,

but it's the truth. 

I was waiting in line 

and there she was.

She had a cute dress on that stopped just above the knee

and a cute denim vest over it

and her makeup was flawless

and her dark brown hair was in a pretty updo.

She really was beautiful.

But she was there, and then she was gone,

and I thought I had lost my only chance at telling her how pretty she was.

Then I was getting a soda

when she appeared again

seemingly out of nowhere 

just to get a straw.

She was right next to me,

eyes focused on the counter.

It was a look I knew well,

it was the look I got when I needed to get to something

but I was hoping to avoid all human contact.

It was the look I got when I was shy,

the look I got when I was scared and I wanted to remain invisible.

But she was so beautiful, 

she had no reason to hide herself-

she was already saying excuse me politely and quietly,

already trying to apologize to me, a stranger,

for thinking she was in the way,

for her size-

I think I might've stared for a moment,

on accident.

She had noticed me,

she was looking at me,

and I blurted some compliment about her clothes,

not knowing what else to say.

The look on her face said she was not used to getting compliments,

that maybe no one outside of her family or friends had ever said anything nice to her,

that maybe she even thought I was making fun of her,

and I had a sudden urge to gush about how gorgeous she was,

but I held it in while she blushed.

She said thank you, and have a nice day,

and I blushed too.

Yes, she was older than me,

and yes, we only met for a moment,

I didn't even know her name,

but I pray that someone will tell her how beautiful she is

every single day

so she'll never get that surprised look on her face again.

I hope she never gets that look on her face

like she didn't know how beautiful she was.

I hope someone tells her every day

so that she won't forget.

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