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Elsa Winters

He was nowhere to be found.

Yes, I am talking about Jack-- I couldn't find the bastard and god knows where he went.

When I made my way to his bathroom to do my morning routine, I was expecting to see him inside pooping or dealing with his manhood-- the last time I had went to the bathroom, I saw him enjoying the time of himself whilst watching some rated-18 videos on his cellphone.

That was clearly unnecessary.

But I didn't see him nor the shadow of him.

It's not saddening, knowing that he left me; I'm actually happy, extremely happy because for the first time in forever, I am alone and there's nobody who would ever interrupt me when I sing 'My Way'. He does hate the song and would usually cut me off when I am about to belt out-- it's annoying, to be honest.

And since he's gone, I am in charge of the remote control.


I changed the channels every now and then, getting bored at the same old morning shows that talks about nothing but celebrity or famous events that happened recently which clearly doesn't have a great impact on the economy of the country.

I was getting sleepy when I heard the telephone rang, causing me to jump from my seat. Groaning, I stood up and walked towards the table that has a white doily with the telephone placed on top of it. I let a few rings pass-- I'm bored and lazy, so don't blame me-- before picking it up.

"This is Margaretta speaking. May I know who's this?" I asked, faking my name. It's the thing that I usually do, whenever I am tasked to answe the phone. Don't ask me for deeper reasons because I'm doing it for security purposes, especially my security.

("This is Mr. Haddock's secretary. May I speak to Elsa, please.")

"Uhm no, she's not here." I lied.

("Oh, Mr-- I mean Ms. Frost had told me to call Elsa and be ready because she, rather, would like to be escorted for the charity ball. Please relay this message once Ms. Elsa has arrived.")


I'll be escorting Emma?

A smile grew on my lips. "Of course, I'll inform her. What time would be the event?"

But what on earth will I wear? How about I'll purchase a nice pair of pants and some shirt.

Nah, I could just borrow Jack's one tuxedo--

("At exactly six in the afternoon, Madame. She also added that you should not worry about the clothes that you'll wear for she will be covering for it. That's all. Thank you!")
The line had ended with the repetitive sound of 'tut, tut, tut, tut...' as I placed the phone back to its holder.

Tonight, I'll ask her if she would like to make it official. I mean, there's nothing wrong if I hurry it up, right? We both feel the sam--

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard series of knocks from the door. Without wasting any second, I rushed to it and opened the door. There, a delivery man stood and handed me a box before asking me to sign above a straight line.

"It's a package. Yeah. I'll go now." The delivery man said awkwardly and walked away.

If I could rate their service from one to ten, then I'll definitely give him a two-- two points for the effort.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now