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Elsa Winters

When the gods above poured confidence to our world, his mother had been staying outside and caught almost ninety percent of confidence. When she was impregnated to this bastard, the confidence had been passed onto him like some family's wealth or something.

The amount of his confidence is infinite.

He's so bold and not to mention, straight to the point because he simply told me to have a night with him without even sugarcoating his words.

"So, come with me or stay here forever?" He asked, smirking like an idiot.

"I'd rather be bullied here by little children than staying in one bed with you, James." He burst out laughing which caught me off guard.

Did I say anything funny?

When the gods above accidentally poured retardation to our world, his pregnant mother, unfortunately, was staying outside and all the bits of retardation were stored in her big belly. By the time she had gave birth to her child, a retard came shooting out of her hole.

Behold, the retard of all retards. James.

"You never failed to amuse me, mon cherie." He grinned.

"You never failed to annoy me, mon fucktard." I matched his grin as I rolled my eyes.

"You know what's funny?" He asked, beaming at me.

"What? Your entire existence in this ever-changing world?"

He frowned, shaking his head. "No."

"Then, what?" I asked, irritated at his foolish and not to mention, childish actions.

James's eyes twinkled as a smile slowly replace his grin which made him look even creepier. The look that those animatronics from Five Nights At Freddy's make when they would suddenly pop from your screen, scaring the shit out of you.

Yep, that look.

"My name is not James, Jay, Jamie, Jean, John, Johnny." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Wait, I've been calling him James for like minutes ago and his name is not James?

My lord, I have humiliated myself.

"Name's Jack--"

"Jack in the Beanstalk?"

"Jack, Jack Frost, at your service, madamoiselle."

* * *

As I walk through the quiescent street, I let my mind wander and be consumed with random thoughts. Colorful boutiques and stoplights turning red, were on full sight. Some group of people were casually exchanging conversation while the night goes deeper.

"So, you've decided to ignore me, sweets?" I heard him speak beside me which made me groan for the hundredth time. I've been trying to avoid and push him away for the last hour and yet he's still here, bugging me to just stay on his apartment.

"No reply? That hurts, babe."

"I don't wanna deal with you Jack." I grumbled. "Go back to your Jill and fuck her instead."

"But, you're my Jill." He responded cheerfully.

"I'm not Jill, Jack. I will be the rock that will be breaking your crown if you wont stop following me." I seethed, picking up my pace while I hoped that he would just leave me alone. Silence loomed over with only the gust of wind could be heard.


"Jack and Jill went up the hill," The deep voice that came from behind made me close my eyes in irritation. Instead of stopping from walking, I ran through the streets and to the alleyways, finding a spot to hide.

I turned right then left until I ended up in a alleyway that's deserted. Rushing, I immediately hopped to the trash bags behind the metal garbage bin (despite their horrible smell) and kept my mouth closed.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill, so, Jack could lick her candy." His deep voice bounced through the bricked walls of the building.

"Jack went up and got a shock for Jill's real name is Randy." Hearing the version of his innocent Jack and Jill song, made me bursting in laughter. I mean, who wouldn't laugh to his rendition?

"Looks like I've found my Jill." I heard his voice coming from above. "Do you know that I really like that song?" As my heart beats loudly, I looked up and saw him grinning back at me just like how rapist would smile to his victim. Then, his face scrunched up into a frown. "Geez, you smell disgusting."

"I guess that would make you leave me alone." I chuckled.

"Nope!" He cheered happily. To my surprise, a pair of strong hands pulled me away from the dumpster, making me lose my balance and I stumbled upon a hard concrete bricked walls. Groaning, I turned to him seeing him, staring back at me with an apologetic smile plastered on his face.

"Sorry? I really couldn't let your dirty self attach on my clothes." He said, grimacing.

"If that's the case, then, you might leave me alone." I said bluntly while brushing the dirt off my clothes but I know I'll still smell like trash.

"Oh, that's still not enough for me to leave you alone. Besides, once I have you with me, I could bathe you and then you'll smell great again!" He exclaimed happily.

I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms against my chest. "What would make you leave me?"

Jack's smile faltered as it turned into a smirk. "If you spend one night with me, then, I'll leave you alone."

I sighed.

One night wouldn't hurt right? A one night stand with him wouldn't cause me much, right plus this is the only way for him to leave me?

I guess--

Can't believe that you're actually going to say--

"Yes, I'll do whatever the fuck you want."

With that, he took me by my hand, intertwining our fingers together, as if we're no stranger to each other.

"So, this is how it feels like to be a  prostitute," I thought.

At this point, I don't care if I would look like a prostitute, because all I want is to have my peaceful life back with no foolish guy ruining my day.

After this one night, I would be back onto the streets, stealing apples and ice creams from little children.

Just this night, Elsa.

Just this night.


I found the Jack and Jill parody song from a site that I don't remember(probably from Youtube or 9gag... i dont know).

I hope you liked this chapter!

Love y'all!


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