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Her movements were all in a sloven manner-- messy and careless. The leather jacket had clung to her arms, her shoulders exposed to the hungry eyes of men, who wished to be part of her frivolous night. Laughs rolled off her lips, grinding her body against an unknown person. Intoxicated from the countless tequila she had, she danced, unaware of the things happening around her.

She might've look like a total mess to the other men but, there's this one guy that has his gaze trailed after her. Every single move, he watched the woman spread frivolity around and she had not even bothered to tell the men that are already groping her body to back off. Anger ran throughout his veins whilst his gaze followed every foolish actions the blonde woman did.

"Stupid gi-- lesbian."

Now, she has her frail body pressed against the body of another woman, having her lips on hers. The two kissed feverishly, roughly, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

"Whatever. I'll be having her anyways." He thought, consoling his self, trying to make the anger disperse. But, no matter how he tried, encouraging himself, he still couldn't fight off the anger burning inside him.
Every second that passes, it became stronger, until it turned into a strong feeling of possessiveness, jealousy.

The cheers even grew louder for the two women had stripped down their clothes, leaving Elsa in her provocative black lingerie. Whistles and shouts rang throughout the place and even overlapping the loud party music that was being played by the DJ.  Elsa was pinned underneath the girl yet they still went on with sloppy kissing. It seems like the crowd were enjoying because they had decided to pleasure themselves while watching the two women share heat.

Jack was undeniably uncomfortable, not only he was jealous but also disgusted by the people's actions. As he was about to close his eyes and let out the hundredth sigh, he felt arms wrap around him while the owner of the arms had grinded against his body. He immediately shot up, seeing a lady in her sixteen and was barely even dressed, smirk seductively at him.

"You're makin' me wet, daddy." The girl pouted, sitting on his lap with her arms on his shoulders. "I want you to make me feel good, dad--"

"How old are 'ya?" He inquired.

"I'm sixteen, daddy." She moaned, giggling at the sound she had produced.

"Try to call me daddy and I swear, I'll shoot you in the face." He snarled yet the girl wasn't spooked, in fact, she even looked excited.

"Shoot me a load of cu--"

There, Jack couldn't take whatever the girl's muttering about. She's still sixteen, for Pete's sake, and these are the things that comes out from her mouth?

"This generation is fucked."

Appalled and offended, he wasted no second and brought out his gun, aiming it to the ceiling and fired three warning shots.

The girl sitting on his lap scrambled up, crying while the people who were about to have a massive orgy, had panicked, for they thought that it is the police. Screaming women and rushing men, the crowd immediately dispersed, leaving an intoxicated and laughing Elsa on the couch with her bare chest exposed.

With the eerie atmosphere surrounding the two of them, he approached her despite the weird sensation running down his veins. A sympathetic smile formed on his lips, his gaze focused on her pretty face. Incoherent and slurred words escaped her parted lips, only showing that the alcohol hadn't still worn her out.

"I bet those freaky people gave her ecstasy." He said to himself, stopping his tracks when he's already standing next to the couch in which she peacefully lay in. Sighing, he leaned down to his knees before removing his shirt. The cold immediately clung to his skin, causing goosebumps to grow on his fair skin. Jack ignored the sensations tingling on his body, he pushed the thoughts of him caressing her body--

"Wrong, so wrong." He thought.

With great amount of care and gentleness, he slowly slipped his shirt to her body, his hand touching his bare skin yet he had avoided the places that aren't supposed to be touched by any man.

Once he had finished, Jack grinned and stared down at the beautiful lass that had fell into slumber. There, at that particular moment, he had heard his heart beat loudly, thumping in his chest, shouting something but it is too early, too early to be considered.

As much as how he refrained those feelings from taking him over, he knew that he couldn't keep those away, especially when Cupid had really struck him right into his heart. That adoration for her slowly seeps out from the walls he had built, taking his whole system over, in which he fears to happen because he knew if that were to happen, he could never turn back.

"Astrid." Elsa murmured and ever so slow, her eyes fluttered open, meeting Jack's gaze. Then a smile formed on her lips, as if she's relieved to see Jack. "Why'd you cut your hair, babe? I like it better when you ha--" Unexpectedly, he leaned down, pressing his lips on her forehead.

"Just go to sleep." He whispered and to his surprise, the woman nodded and drifted back to sleep. Exhaling deeply, he inserted his hands in between her sleeping body and the mattress, securing his arms around her. Feeling his warmth, she nuzzled closer to him, causing him to chuckle. With ease, he lifted her up and stood up before walking out of the beaten up house.

* * *

Jack had reached his house within approximately five minutes for his apartment is just blocks away from where they had partied from. Now, the lass, is sleeping peacefully on his bed and snuggled deeply under the duvet.

Jack, on the other hand, had a hot coffee in front of him as he gazed down onto the contract that laid on the table, just right across him. A bitter smile made through his lips, sighing exasperatedly for he knew that when she's sober she would never sign the contract.

"She hates me, she would obviously not sign those. Geez, I should've let her sign those when she was busy fucking off another woman." He thought, chuckling humorlessly to himself and shook his head. "God, I'm helpless."

The things you do for--

As if a miracle had happen, Elsa had woken up, and no, she's not yet sober because she was giggling and mumbling random things to herself. Jack immediately rushed back to the bedroom to see if she's alright. Then, that's when he had found out that she's still intoxicated from whatever substance they had given her. Elsa was sitting by the window, looking at everything with a funny expression on her face. Her gaze met Jack's, causing her to beam in happiness.

"Astrid, my looovvee!" She slurred, standing up and stumbled back down to the chair with a thud. "W-why did ya cut your hair?!" She asked, her voice filled with surprise causing him to grin.

"I swear, the amount of alcohol she took would surely knock someone out, but here she is, awake and intoxicated."

"Uhm, y-yeah." Jack responded, making his voice a pitch higher. "Baby, this is my summer look." He added, grinning at her. Elsa smiled at him, opening her arms, wordlessly asking a hug from him. Reluctant, he took slow tiny steps towards her and when he was already a half meter away from her, she immediately pulled his shirt, causing him to tumble to her.

Elsa immediately wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek onto his stomach and let out a loud sigh. "I missed you babe. I missed you, so much." She said, giggling. Without a minute, she sobbed. "I am sorry for everything. I didn't mean to hurt you, baby, I really do."

Jack stood there, frozen and clueless yet his heart melted for the defeated lover. His heart ached in every sob that escapes her lips. Thoughts raced throughout his mind, telling him to break away and kiss her problems away.

But, he knew that was not the answer. In fact, if he ever did that, she would even pull away from him, causing him to lose his chance.

"What do I do?" He sighed, gently rubbing her back with his hand.

Take this opportunity to make her sign the agreement.

"That's kinda unfair."

Do you want her to be yours or what? Jack, this is your chance to have the woman of your life in your hands. Once you have grasped her, you shouldn't let her go.


This is your chance, Jackson.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now