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Chapter 46


As the days went on Adam and Michael grew stronger. Rodger insisted that I get some kind of self-defense training. So, I started doing basic self-defense with Thomas. I was so relieved when he was one of the people that pulled us out of the water.

But, every day was the same, I woke up went to the gym with Thomas and trained for 2 hours. Showered, then went to sit with Adam, Michael and Rodger to have breakfast, called Nate then my parents and ended the day studying with Adam for the GED.

The New Year came and went. Days ran into each other and soon a month had passed and nothing happened. Until one day while studying Adam asked," Are you happy here?" He was lying on the bed next to me trying to do his practice problems. I was waiting for my mom to Skype call me.

"Anything, not to do your homework", I said joking.

"Ha, ha, ha, but seriously are you?"

"I mean I like being alive, so yes?" I admitted.

"As soon as James and Ross find the sicario, do you want to travel with me? Proper travel that is."

I pushed the computer away and lent back on to the pillows and looked at him, "Where did you have in mind?"

"Anywhere, you want. Pick a place and we'll go."

"Old Monroe, Missouri", I said.

"Anywhere in the world and you chose to go home." He said smiling.

"Yep, I want to show you how the other half lives. Plus, Missouri has cool things too."

"I'm dying to hear this."

"The Cardinals, The Fox theater, Powell Hall, the best pizza you will ever have-Imo's, The Mumy outdoor theater, you have to see the Arch. ,There is lots to do, plus you have to meet my parents and Jemma."

"Technically, I have met your parents."

"Extortion doesn't count" I said.

"Ok fair enough,what if we met normally, say online? We could..."

"Never met because I've seen the women you've dated, thanks to Michael."

"Smartass", he said grinning.

"I try to be."

"Pretend then, paint me your ideal scenario."

"Ok, Well I always figured I would travel after I finished school, once I got married", He pointed to my ring.

"Half is done, so where to?" He said.

"Rome to see the Colosseum and visit the Vatican, all the touristy stuff. What about you? If you didn't have this business where would you go? Wait, better question, what would you do?"

"I've never really thought about what else I would do. I mean I always figured I'd be doing something in the drug trade so it all worked out in the end."

"I could see you being a famous architect. Building homes for the rich and famous", I said liking that idea.

"You overestimate me."

"I think you underestimate yourself."

He climb on top of me and started to tickle me. I started to laugh and tried to kick him off me," Stop" I said laughing in between breaths. He stopped abruptly and pulled me into his arms. We stared at each other I was going to lead into a kiss but I heard the Skype call that I was waiting for come in.

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