Thank God for YouTube Tutorials

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Chapter 4

Jesus Christ on a motorbike!

Frantically, I yelled, "How does anyone get 12 million dollars in debt?!!" Now pacing the room, I needed to do something. My mother stood up telling me to keep my voice down.

She continued, guiding me to sit back down "The company has defaulted to your father."

I counted "Can't he clam bankruptcy isn't that how it works? 12. Dollars. People die over that kind of money!" My mother gave me a pleading look.

"I'll shut up now!"

"If your father does anything to alert the authorities he will be in trouble with powerful people and in any case he would still go to jail. That SOB, Nick, has been stealing money from the company for years and selling to drug cartels. We would lose everything trying to keep your father out of jail and the IRS off our backs and they are the least of our worries. That's why we have to accept this deal. The people who Nick was stealing for are now unhappy that Nick is no longer the boss. Your father doesn't want to do business with the Caffery Clan so to get rid of them quickly; we're working on a plan. Do you know who the Caffery's are?

I nodded yes. 

When you think of the words mob bosses or crime family it's the Caffery's your thinking of. I have herd they push anything from drugs to weapons and I'm willing to bet people too. I thought they worked from the coastal areas like New York, Florida and California. I only know a little bit about them only rumors but their name is mostly linked with European countries.

"This is what's going to happen", my mother continued , "You are going to go downstairs and answer a few questions that the men have for you, answer honestly with no attitude, and then we will know where we stand and where we go from there". She stood back up and walked to the door I went to follow her but she held up a hand and said, "But, first put on the dress and a little makeup, please. Then, we will see what Mr. James and Mr. Ross need."

I looked over to a navy silk dress with a plunging neckline, full skirt and bedazzled cap sleeves the back was completely open. I didn't want this to happen, Why did I need to dress up? But, arguing and crying and throwing a temper tantrum wouldn't help. I could have this out with my parents once the men had gone.

I looked into my vanity mirror across the room I look like hell. My hair started to curl up from sweat and my eyes were puffy I don't remember crying.

Either way I had to do this. Whatever this was? I quickly jumped in the shower, flat ironed my hair making it look straight, long and neat. I did my makeup with a Smokey eye look and red lips.

Thank God, for YouTube tutorials.

I put on the dress, but decided against the heels, I switched them for a pair of flats. Nancy was right if I got the chance to run I needed to take it and go to the police or a lawyer. If I see an opportunity; I will take it, I will run. 'It will be ok', I repeated over in my head. I put on my Victoria Secret perfume, grabbed my purse, threw my hair back and strutted out the door.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now