To Have and To Hold

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Chapter 52


I woke up around nine the next morning. Yvonne had left me some of Nate's clothes, I changed into them and surprisingly they all fit. I walked into the hallway ready to go downstairs but I stopped when I saw a picture of Jennifer as a kid. She was smiling for the camera missing one of her front teeth. I don't know why that made me smile. The more I looked around the more pictures I saw, all of these happy moments. The word homey came to mind.

So different from my house.

I went downstairs and saw Yvonne rushing out the door. "Good morning," she said with a smile just like Jennifer's.

I said good morning back.

"I have to go pick up Nate and Josh they're having car trouble. Nancy should be here shortly to watch Jemma. If she wakes up early, please wake up Jennifer and have her watch her until Nancy gets here. Thank you!" And with that she was out the door.

She had made breakfast too. I settled in to eat I finished and cleared my plate.

Wwwwaaaaaa wwwwwaaaaaa

Jemma was up. Holy shit she had a pair of lungs on her. I saw her on the baby monitor kicking and rubbing her nose. I went upstairs to get Jennifer, but she wasn't waking up.

Wwaaaaaa wwwaaaaaa

Make it stop! I walked into the baby's room and saw her, just screaming. "Stop it, you'll make yourself sick" I said trying to reason with her. She just kept crying. I did a quick Google search on how to pick up a baby. When I picked her up she stopped crying. Holding her in my arms she looked up at me bewildered.

My thoughts exactly.

I sat in the rocking chair hoping she wouldn't cry again. This is stressful I don't know if I'm breaking you. "I'll make you a deal, Jemma. If you don't cry I'll get you a new rattle or whatever the newness baby thing is." I said trying to bargain with an infant.

"You can't make a deal with a baby," Jennifer said standing in the door walking towards us. She only had on an over sized t-shirt.

"Oh thank God! Take her, I don't know if I'm holding her right" I said.

"Good morning, Jemma" Jennifer said sweetly as she picked up the baby and put her on a changing table.

"Morning, Adam did you stay the night?" She said as she changed Jemma's diaper.

Babies are kind of disgusting.

"Morning. Yeah, your mom didn't want me driving."

How did she do that so quickly? She saw what the problem was and fixed it.

She picked up Jemma and walked down stairs. I followed behind her, we still needed to talk. She put Jemma in a high chair and started making Jemma's breakfast on the island. I walked to the other side of it to face her.

"We need to talk, about the DEA I don't think you understand what it means to be pinned, love" I said choosing my words very carefully.

"I only know what Brandon, has told me" she admitted."He said he was going to look further into it; to make sure that your family and my family were safe. And if it is important don't say it out loud or text it." She went to sit in front of Jemma's high chair and started to feed her.

"See that's the thing, Brandon has no idea what he's talking about because he's never had to deal with a situation like this", I said.

"And what is the situation?" She said turning back to look at me. I pulled up a chair next to her and sat.

"I'm not going to hide anything from you. That doesn't get me anywhere and we need to be a united force; now more than ever now. When your name popped up on that list it wasn't just Brandon that saw it. Think everyone that has a bug in the DEA's whether it be agents or anyone with cyber intelligence they also saw your name."

"I don't understand where this is going" she said.

"I know, I know just let me finish and it will make sense at the end" She nodded her head and I continued," You know my family has a lot of enemies that would love to take us out. Well, you're part of that now. When they put your name on their watch list every cartel, every drug house, arms dealer, sex trafficker anyone else running any illegal activities with half a brain saw that too. Powerful people, who would use you to get to me, remember how I told you I was good at this, you don't get good by playing nice. There are worst people out there then Sliske Crypt. Who now know who and where you are. The DEA will be watching your every movement until they believe you truly don't know anything".

"I should be scared but I'm not, whatever happens I'll handle it as it comes" She said.

"We will handle as it comes" I corrected her. "I know you're apprehensive about getting back together but, I promise you what happened in Rome will never happen again. I knelt down next to her and took her hands in mine," I love you, Jennifer. I won't let anyone including myself hurt you. I want to wake up in the morning next to you and hear your voice. Knowing there is no other way I'd rather wake up. I want us to push each other to be better and do better like you said when we were Christmas tree shopping. I know I have to earn your--" she kissed me throwing herself into my arms.

"That's a yes?" I said.

"Yes, yes, yes," she said in between kisses.

I pulled back," It's going to get dangerous--"

"We'll handle it together," She said," We did say to have and to hold."

Yeah, to have and to hold.

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