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Chapter 14

Returning back to my room I threw myself on to the bed. Well, what do I do now? Looking up to the dome ceiling I wished I had my phone. What were my parents doing? Had Jemma forgotten my face? How was the movie Nate wanted me to see? I had so many questions and no answers.

Feeling brave I decided to explore the house. I found the third level was mostly offices and storage rooms, the second were all bedrooms. As I came down the grand staircase I entered a grand foyer. I ran past here last night. To the right was a living room full of windows that let in a lot of light, complete with fireplace and 70' inch TV that coved a wall with a surround sound system. Someone had a PlayStation 4. That could be fun.

No Christmas decorations.

Turning out of the living room and going left I found myself in a stainless steel kitchen. As if on cue, my stomach growled. Making a bee line for the double refrigerator I was greeted with enough food to feed an army. I settled on a fruit tray and a water bottle. I took the food and sat at the marble central island. After filling my belly, I cleared my mess and continued on myself guided tour.

Making my way towards the back of the house I found another stair case. Down the rabbit hole we go. I found a gym, sauna, movie theatre, pool, basketball court, wine cellar with a kitchenette, music room and a dance studio. Deciding to stay in the studio I got a good look at myself in a mirror. Hot mess doesn't begin to describe my reflection, my makeup had started to smudge leaving my eyes looking like a raccoon, my hair had started to curl back up, my lips were dry with what remained of my lipstick, and black bruises were on my legs.

Sarcastically, I said to myself "So sexy".

"My thoughts exactly, little thing."

Turning I saw Michael, dressed casually in Nike sweats, leaning against the door.

Putting my hand on my hip I dryly said, "Back for round two?"

He gave me a sour look before saying, "Sorry"

Like a school teacher scolding a child I said, "Sorry for what, Michael, use your words, be sincere."

Not liking that he walked up to me trying to intimidate.

Not going to work.

We had a stare off, a kind of silence battle of wills. Unblinking and unimpressed I crossed my arms. Giving me a sinful smile, he held up a white bag. "Compliments of Giselle you two should be around the same size".

Taken aback, I took the bag and looked inside and saw the tiniest pair of shorts with a few other items that could only be classed as club wear. "Who's Giselle? On second thought never mind."

Suddenly, a little girl no older than four or five, with black hair, and almond black eyes came bouncing into the room. Her hair was in two high pigtails tied with long pink silk ribbons. She was clearly dressed for a dance class with her pink leotard suit complete with a tutu. The little girl ran head first into Michael legs trying to push him forward.

Did they give a child a diamond necklace?

"Come on, come on, come on! You promised to take me to dance class. Hurry up, we can't be late!"

Holding his hands up in defeat with a warm smile on his face Michael said, "I know, I know, I promise you we have plenty of time".

She stopped shoving her head into his legs and looked up to him with big worried eyes and said, "You promise?"

"Have I ever broken a promise to you?"

She shook her head no.

In one swooping motion Michael picked the girl up and held her on his hip. "That's right, and I don't plan to start today. Besides, we can't leave without your bag can we?"

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