The Executioner's Office...

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Chapter 13

I'm fucked.

Why can't I catch a break?

Before I could fall backwards Adam caught me by my waist,quickly releasing me he looked at me with a disapproving glance and then over my head to see Michael in the fetal position on the floor.

Growling, he said "Michael it's too early for your shit. Get up. Get dressed. Make your runs."

With pain in his voice Micheal coughed back, "My shit?! SHE did this to me."

Holding my hands up I tried to explain, "Hey now, I was only looking for clothes he was the one trying to be all rapey. What I did was completely self-defense."

A heave of pain came from Michael.

In a mocking British accent, I continued, "I wonder if my brother will share you...?"

Dry heaving, Michael screeched out "That's a fair question!"

"Enough! Both of you", rubbing his templates exasperated Adam said,"I don't care what happened it ends now!" His booming voice made me jump a little. Adam grabbed my upper arm, and started to pull me away. Shaking him off I said, "No". He dropped his hand and gave me a bitter look. Not caring about his attitude I pulled the shirt over my head and crossed my arms.

Exhaling hard he looked lost for words he said, "We need to talk".

"Talk away" I was going to stand my ground.

"In private"

"This is private enough" I said as a matter-of-factly.

Through gritted teeth he said, "Jennifer".


"Look I can lock you in your room or you can be agreeable and follow me."

Remembering that I watched him kill somebody yesterday, I nodded my head and reluctantly followed behind him. In silence he led me up a flight of stairs I started to have déjà vu feeling Oh yeah, I had ran through this part of the house when I was trying to escape. 

Good times.

Reaching the top floor I saw the hallway I had ran from and he was leading me to that room. Sensing I was a little on edge, Adam took my hand and gently said, "You don't need to be afraid this is just my office".

The Executioner's office.

This time I got to see the entire office. Hard wood floors covered with red Persian rugs, two long couches faced each other with a table in the middle, in front of a huge cherry wood desk. Three tall windows, with the curtains drawn sat opposite to the desk. A huge fireplace was at the far end of the room with two plush leather chairs on each side.

Leading me to the leather couches Adam motion for me to sit. I slowly took a seat as he walked to the other couch. I looked over to the spot where I had witnessed the man be killed.


Like it never happened, snapping me out of my thoughts Adam read my mind, "You shouldn't have seen that", leaning back he continued "I promise you it won't happen again."

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