My Word is My Bond

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Chapter 25

I had the same dream again. And jolted up out of the bed.

My stomach hurt, like I was starving. I looked over to the clock and saw it was 5:32am it was still dark outside.

What happened last night? I remember going to the restaurant. Did I go dancing? Everything after the restaurant was blurry. I decided to put the night behind me and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Before I got all the way down the stairs I heard voices come from the kitchen.

"I don't know what all they got" That was Brandon's voice,"All I know is the cops swarmed the place so there goes our shipping yards".

"That's the second time this week! We can't stay in business if we keep losing merchandise." That was Michael's voice,"I have people crawling all over my ass wanting their product. If we don't produce they'll just go to Sliske. Then, we really will have a problem."

"Did you find out if our system was clean?" That was Adam.

"I think it is, but I don't know how deep that bitch got. She had full access to all of our systems for who knows how long or what she reported back to Sliske. I'm trying to rewrite every bit of code I ever did; looking for any Trojans she may have left. That takes time."

"We don't have time! We have a shipment coming in from Colombia and I'll be damned if I let another shipment go! So, find the leak if its in our system and plug it. If it's a person put a bullet through their skull." Adam said.


"You don't have to worry about that anymore, Jennifer took care of that" Michael said.

They were silent for a little bit and then continue back up. "Since you not so delicately brought it up how is she doing? She looked fine at breakfast, but I couldn't tell if it was genuine."Brandon said.

"She's handling it her own way" Adam said," I can't help her if she doesn't talk to me".

Michael exhaled hard,"Please you're never here to begin with. That's why she ends up in my room every morning".

"About that, what happened this morning why were you two screaming?" Adam asked.

"Uuhhhmm... nothing just... spider".

"I don't think talking is the problem with her. I think it's the lack of it" Brandon said as a matter of factly," I bet having some outside contact besides us would do her a world of good. I could put together a phone? Let her call home?"

"I wanted to wait until after the wedding. That way they couldn't talk her out of it."

"Okay, I understand that, but a lot has changed. She killed a person. There's an even bigger target on her back now. She's just as involved as we are now. Probably more because Sliske will figure out that his mold is dead and be gunning for her harder."

"Your point?" Michael said.

"You're trying to keep her sheltered from our world. But, you can't. This only ends two ways-he dies or she dies. There is no going back to normal for her, no quickie divorce like you promised and the world is right as rain again. This is her world. She can't leave even if she wanted to. Sliske would hunt her down and killed everyone she knows. So have a heart, let her call her parents."

I had heard enough forgetting I was hungry I turned around and went back to my room. I could never leave? I crawled back into bed puling the duvet up over my head. I could never leave everything Brandon had said was correct. The truth hit me like a freight train, all my dreams died in the minute I said, " Yes". I was never going to see my parents again. I would never see my baby sister Jemma; I would miss her first birthday, first trip to Disneyland and first vacation to Mississippi, boyfriends and driving lessons. I would never see Nate, Sara or Josh again. The life I planned was over. No medical school, all those years of studying and working hard for good grades was for nothing.

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