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Chapter 18

When we arrived back at Main House Kairi and her nanny, Cecilia, disappeared into the mansion. I was about to go to the trunk to collect my bags when Adam said, "Don't worry about it, they'll be sent to your room".

"Okay, thank you".

As soon as I was out of his eyesight I ran for my room. I shut the doors and walked over to the little table in the corner. I ripped the envelope open and found a handwritten letter first.
That read:

You are not safe. I will find you and I will kill you. Run, run, run. The streets will run red with your blood. Run, run, run. You'll beg me to kill you.
I'll see you soon.


My blood ran cold. I looked inside the envelope and saw photographs of me. The photos included; Michael and I getting off the plane, another of me landing in the helicopter on the roof , me running out the house, sitting on the bench, running towards the church, being carried by Adam to the car. The last one was a close up of me sleeping here in this room.

I started to violently shake. Hot tears filled my eyes. My legs gave out leaving me kneeing on the floor. "Ok, you're a terrible liar" Adam said walking into my room. I turned to him with the letter in hand.

Confusion and concern were etched on his face he crossed the room quickly to me and held me. He was the only thing holding me together not letting me curl up into the fetal position. Uncontrollable tears and sobs came from me. He used his gentle voice, like the night in the church, "What's wrong? What's happen?" I buried my face in his chest. Not being able to speak I held up the letter. Adam quickly snatched it out of my hand and read it.

"Ta-ta-table" he looked over my shoulder to the table and saw the photos. .

Unfazed he pulled out his cell phone and placed a phone call.

"Yeah, it's me....put the house on lockdown....Sliske Crypt is starting some shit... last seen at the dance studio....I want eyes on him, NOW....don't disappoint me...do it." He ended the call.

I wanted to stay calm I willed myself to be strong. But, I was breaking like fine China being broken against a wall.

Kairi, this person knows where she goes to dance school.

With tears filled eyes, I tried to say, "K-k-Kairi's school". My voice was betraying me.

"I know, I know, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or Kairi" Adam said.

He sensed what my next question would be he answered, "Your family will be safe too; they have an ocean between them and Sliske."

I shook my head.

Softly he said, "Listen love, I need to put us on full lockdown. I need you to go to the basement and lock yourself in one of the rooms down there. Don't open the door for anyone. I have a code to open any door. I will find you. My code is 10-04-19-25. Say it back to me."

Freezing for a moment, I stared blankly at him.

"Love" he prompted "The code?"

Focusing on remembering the code I said, "10-04-19-25".

He took my face in his hands to make sure I looked him in the eyes. "You can't stay here, there are too many window's for a sniper to view in. Do you understand?"


He reached underneath the bed and pulled out a box with a 9mm handgun in it and handed it to me.

"You can use this" he asked.

"Yes", the last time I held a gun I was about 14 and it was only for deer hunting seasons. I was a good shot then. I prayed I was still now.

"What about, Kairi?"

"Cecilia knows what to do on lockdown".

"And we're doing all this because of the letter?"

"No we're doing all this because whoever took the pictures is in the house".

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