25. Birthday Wishes

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Every minute Deva spent with Darius made her feelings for him grow. She knew she was falling extremely hard for him, but was afraid of telling him or confessing it to herself. She just couldn't get enough of him. She also noticed the butterflies she had for Lucian were quickly fading away to nothing, and as the days passed, she saw less and less of Lucian. She hadn't spoken to him much and every time they got close, he would pull himself away.

Deva was awake but refused to open her eyes. Her bed was comfortable, and she was still tired and way too lazy to get up. She tossed her hand to the side expecting to touch Darius, but all she got was an empty impression.

Why would he leave without telling her? She tried hiding her disappointment; after all it wasn't like he was on a leash or something.

Deva felt the bed gently dip and then tiny kisses trail their way up her neck.  An instant smile flashed on her face. "Wake up my beautiful human girlfriend," his deep velvet voice sang to her.

She shook her head and murmured in Romanian, "Mai cinci minute."

His soft lips teased her skin on her jaw. "I don't know what you said but it sounded sexy."

Deva chuckled. "Five more minutes."

He pressed his lips to hers ever so lightly, and when she lifted herself up to get a better feel, he pulled away. "Nope. I need you up now."

She pouted. "No."

"Fine," he shifted his position to sit on the bed. "I guess you don't want your surprise."

Deva's eyes immediately opened, and she took in his attire. Why was he all dressed up? His skin even looked extra flawless.

"What surprise?"

His gorgeous smile that she always melted to formed on his face before he bent down and kissed her on the lips. "Happy birthday sweetheart."

Birthday, she thought confused. What day was it anyway? Then like a train hitting a wall it all came back to her. Damn, and she thought she could avoid this day forever. "It's not my birthday."

He laughed at her feeble attempt. "You know the more time I spend with you the easier it is to catch your lies."

"Who told you?" But then she already knew the answer. "Julia."

"Yes you are correct, the trusted best friend."

Deva sat on her elbow. "I'll get her later for that."

"Yes later, but for now I need you to get dressed." He pulled her swiftly off the bed with no effort.

She opened her closet and decided to wear something more flattering then her usual raggedy getup. It was after all her birthday. "Where are we going?"

"We," he exaggerated. "Nowhere yet, but you do have a morning date today."

What? Confusion was definitely in the air. "I have a date without you." She quickly pulled down her shirt before running out the closet to make sure she heard right. "And you are encouraging this?"

When she was back in her room she spotted Darius smiling and Lucian next to him also wearing the exact same smirk.

"What's going on here?" Panic hit her. Wasn't Lucian mad at her and his brother?

"Lucian is taking you out this morning for your birthday, and then I have you for the rest of the day," Darius explained.

A part of her was really happy to see Lucian again, but something about this was still off. "Really?"

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