☽ shouldn't of let you go {g}

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your pov:


i sat down at a table in the club i got forced to go too. of course i'm not anti-social or anything like that, i just have better things to do on a saturday night.

"y/n!" emma, my friend yelled and i looked up towards where she was sitting, but she no longer sat there. i turned to the dance floor to see her on the dance floor, dancing with her fiancé ethan. she was motioning for me to go over there but no part of me wanted too.

"come on y/n!" she yelled and i turned, not wanting to cause any attention towards me.

but i failed.

"you're not having fun." a man who sat across from me spoke, at first scaring me from the sudden appearance.

"is it that obvious?" i groaned, looking up to the man as my eyes went wide.

"grayson?" i asked in shock. why was he here? but how glad i was to see him again, we had a terrible break up.

"y/n, please, can we talk," he paused to look around the club, "anywhere but here." he added.

i felt myself nod quickly without even thinking. i just wanted to talk to him, i needed too.

i stood up and he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the club, emma's eyes wide. i mouthed 'be back soon,' before exiting the club with grayson.

"where are we going gray!" i yelled, frustrated.

"my car. why are you angry!" he yelled back, stopping.

"oh, i'm sorry, but if your girlfriend broke up with you and never told you why, just yelled at you and then showed up a year later wanting to talk, i think you'd be angry too grayson!" i yelled, not even believing i had the guts to say that.

"y/n... i'm sorry please. just listen to me." he begged as i looked down to my feet, listening but not wanting to make eye contact.

"i should have never let you go. you were the only thing going good for me and i messed it all up. i lost you because of my own actions. i never ever meant to hurt you y/n and i'd do anything to get you back. i love you so much and i will always, always, love you. forever."

"why did you leave me?" i asked looking up at him as a tear slipped from my eye.

"baby please don't cry," grayson says cupping my cheeks and wiping a tear from my cheek.

"tell me why!" i said louder, letting another tear fall.

"ok, ok. my mother. she was sick, i needed to go home, back to new jersey. baby i didn't tell you because i was ashamed that i was leaving you, and i knew you would want to try a long distance relationship, but at the time i thought i couldn't do that, not being able to see or touch you. but looking back, i should've told you everything, my love."

and then everything made sense.

but everything felt right when i felt his lips on mine again. it was perfect, more than that.

"i love you."

"i love you too angel."

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