☽ goodbye {g}

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it broke him. he never wanted to leave you, but he had to go to this university, it's been his dream forever.

; i'm here.

you texted him as you arrived to his house, the door soon opened to reveal a sad grayson. an awkward silence filled the space as he let you in. your eyes scanned the room to see luggage everywhere; creating a small crack in your heart. your gaze shifted towards grayson who leaned against the beige wall that you and him created so many memories.

"where's everyone else?" you questioned, breaking the silence as you awkwardly shifted your weight on one foot.

"they already left," he mumbled, crossing his arms, not making eye contact with you. he couldn't bare to see you right now.

after a few minutes of awkwardly standing there, you spoke up. "well, goodbye then," you said, shaking your head as his head snapped towards you, wide eyes. he never wanted to hear you say goodbye.

"why'd you even tell me to come over here if your not even going to look at me?" you stated, truthfully.

he stared at you, causing you to be more angrier. "why aren't you saying anything!" you yelled, all the tears you were holding back falling down your cheeks. your hand covered your mouth from your hiccuping sobs. your knees bucked and you fell to the ground, your eyes shut tightly.

grayson quickly ran over to you without a doubt, wrapping his arms around you. "i love you so much," he whispered into your hair as he squeezed you tighter.

"i can't leave you," grayson chocked, your head slowly looking up to him to see he was being serious. you shook your head and pushed him off you, standing up and wiping tears off your face.

"no! grayson your going!" you yelled, not wanting him to stop his dreams because of you, that'd be selfish.

"i need to stay with you," he said, grabbing you hips tightly, resting his forehead against yours. you shut your eyes tightly shaking your head, taking a big breath.

"we'll face time all the time baby. you can come back and visit on spring break and christmas break," you said very quickly.

"we're going to be okay," he stated before smashing his lips onto yours. your lips moved in sync as you both shut your eyes tightly, pulling away.

"i love you y/n," he whispered lightly.

"i love you too grayson," you replied, just as quiet.

"come on, let's get the car packed up," you said, getting out of grayson's grip and grabbing one of his suit cases, quickly walking out the door.


you and grayson had finished packing his car and now you both stood in his driveway, him holding your small hands. "call me when you get there ok?" you told him trying your best not to cry.

"i can't leave you baby," he whispered, letting go of your hands and pulling you into his chest. "i can't."

"gray we'll face time all the time. and you know what?" you asked, looking up and wiping a few tears from his face.

"what?" he asked, thinking nothing could cheer him up.

"i'll come visit in three weeks, i'll work a few extra shifts and i'll have enough," you told him. you wanted to surprise him but he was so sad right now, he needed this.

"really baby?!" he asked, his watery eyes lighting up. you quickly nodded and hugged him tighter.

"come on, you have to get going before it gets dark," you told him, swinging the driver's seat door open. his eyes became sad again as he slowly, softly kissed your lips.

"i'll see you in three weeks," you whispered against his lips. he shut his eyes tightly and nodded.

"three weeks, we can do that," he said, but more as a question.

"i love you!" you said as he closed the driver's seat door. he mouthed it back and began to drive off. you watched as he drove off, suddenly slamming on the breaks just as he turned out of his driveway.

the door swung open and he ran towards you, you hazily running towards him and jumping into his strong arms, your legs wrapping around his torso. "goodbye."

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