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Chapter 4

Liam's pov

"Niall?" I answered. "Oh um hi Liam what's up?" He asked from the other line. "Nothing just checking up on you buddy." I said while Zayn cuddled in to my side and asked "babe who is it?" I told him it was Niall and put it on speaker. "Is Zayn in the room with you I have to tell you both something." Niall said through the phone. "Hi Niall you're on speaker." Zayn said. "Okay good hi guys so I have some really exciting news for you guys." Niall said. "What?" Zayn and I said at the same time. "I met these two girls out here on the side of the road they were dirty and barefoot , they live on the streets and have no money. Long story short they're orphans and need a home and I think they would be perfect for you guys to adopt." He said and Zayn and I looked at eachother and we both had smiles on our faces. "Really oh my God Zayn we're getting children!" I shouted. "Well hang on how are you guys going to meet them because I'm pretty sure they don't trust me enough for me to take them to London." Niall said and that probably couldn't be any more true. "Hey Liam how about we go to New York and meet them and adopt them there and then bring them back here." Zayn said. "I guess we can do that." I told him. "That's probably the best decision." Niall said. "Okay so we're coming to New York and we will take a flight there tonight." I told Niall. "Okay see you guys soon bye." Niall said. With that I hung up and Zayn and I couldn't stop smiling. "We're getting children baby finally!" I said to Zayn. "I know I'm really excited, but babe what if they don't like me." Zayn said with a pout and I kissed it away. "They'll love you babe I promise." I told him and he smiled. "Okay let's get packing!" He said happily. "I think you should put some pants on first babe." I told him while laughing. "Why?" He whined "because babe if we are going to have children here let alone girls you need to put pants on." I said laughing harder. "Oh yeah right." He said while putting boxers on. "You're so slow sometimes babe." I told him. "But you love me anyways." He said with a toothy grin. "That babe is 100% true." I said while kissing him and then we got packing.

Niall's Pov

As soon as I got off the phone I went over to the girls. "So girls I have something to tell you." They looked up at me. "What?" Maddie asked. "Well your new dads are coming to adopt you. They're really nice and they'll take good care of you. they're pretty much like my dads too and you'll see me all the time." I told them "if it's okay with you they're coming here tonight to meet you." I added. They looked at eachother making eye conversation again that seriously must be a twin thing. "I think we'd like that." Rosie said with a big smile on her face as well. "Okay but when we go to the airport don't be scared but there will be a lot of cameras flashing and screaming girls so stay VERY close to me." I said. I need to tell them about the band and the fans. "Why?" They asked at the same time. "Well babes there's this really famous boy band called one direction that I am in I don't know if you've seen pictures but I'm famous and so are your dads and your uncles that you will meet soon. It's okay though the fans wont hurt you." I told them. "THATS WHY YOU LOOKED SO FAMILIAR!" They shouted. "Yeah." I said smiling.

*a few hours later"

Maddie's Pov

After the mall niall and I took us to the airport where Rosie and I were going to meet our dads. He was also right when he said there would be a lot of people there. girls were screaming his name and asking who we were, all Niall responded with "you'll find out." We walked to the gate and waited for what seemed like forever. Rosie and I were nervous and niall sensed it. "Don't be scared babes they won't hurt you and you'll love them." He said smiling. "What if they don't love us?" I said. "Oh madz they'll love you if I love you they'll love you." He said Rosie and I smiled feeling less nervous. Niall Rosie and I were laughing at random things when we saw people coming out of the gate. Niall stood up and Rosie and I hid in to his side feeling nervous again. "ZAYN LIAM!" Niall shouted, we looked and saw 2 guys holding hands and walking over too us. Awe what a cute couple. "Ni ni!" They both said. "Guys this is Madeline and Rosealine but you don't call them that you call them Maddie and Rosie because they hate their names." Niall said while Rosie and I laughed. "Hi girls I'm liam." The one with the light brown hair said. "Hi I'm Zayn." The other one said. I think these guys are perfect dads for us.

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