Ziam Twins

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Chapter 1

Rose p.o.v

Flashback to 5 years ago

"Daddy can we go get ice cream please" I begged my father. "No Rosie you and your sister were bad today" I walked away to go find Maddie my twin sister. "Maddie where are you?" "I'm in our room"I hear her respond back I walked to our room that we shared. I see her practicing are new dance routine me and Maddie have been dancing since we were able to walk. "Can you please help me beg dad to get ice cream" "ok fine but what happens if he says no" "then we pull the face that he doesn't say no too" I say. I grab her hand and make are way down finding are mom and dad in the kitchen mom reading her book and dad admiring her from the other side. Our mom and dad loved each other so much you could just see it in there eyes. I always told myself I want that what they have with a guy of my own. We made are way down and stood in front our mom was the first to look up "what's the matter girls?" She asked "we were wondering if we could go get ice cream" she looked at our father "love can we get the girls ice cream" "but dear they were bad today" "there bad everyday and plus I want some too"our mom responds "please daddy" Maddie says "ok fine lets go" our father says. We cheered. We all got into the car and me and Maddie were fooling around. Last thing I remember was see my dad turn around and bright lights.

•2 days later•

It's been two days since our parents died. We found out that we are going to uncle Sam's house for him to take care of us. Maddie says she has a weird feeling about him. I kinda do to I just hope he's nice. We finally left our house which I was very upset to leave because that's where all our memories are with mom and dad. We got into the police car hat way they can take us to Uncle Sam's house. The whole way there me and Maddie did not let go of each other hands. After a while we finally arrived. Me and Maddie were both shaking. When we finally saw Uncle Sam open the door I got chills I think Maddie did too. He had this smirk on his face that I did not like at all. We made are way up the stairs and into the house. I look back I see the police man exchange a couple of words with my uncle. The police man saw me looked and me and gave me sympathetic smile. I look at Maddie and she was scared just like I was. "I don't like this" Maddie finally spoke "I don't either" once I said that the door slammed shut. "Hello girls I'm gonna have so much fun with you two" he said with an evil smirk. Few tears streamed down my face a look over at Maddie and she had tears too. I look back at my uncle who started to walk toward us "ok girls let me show you your room that you will share" we followed him. We walked around the corner and down some stairs and of course we end up in the basement where our "room" is. "When I need you guys I will call from the stairs and you better come or else face the punishment" once that was said he left. "I hate him" Maddie said "I know me too I want mom and dad" I said sobbing. We both sat there sobbing

•a year later•

It's now march me and Maddie just turn 11 on February 1st. We were in the basement eating our dinner when suddenly are uncle comes down drunk. "Oh Maddie come here baby let's have some fun" he says and puts the bottle down. We are frozen from fear all of sudden I was snap out when I hear Maddie screaming I look over and see uncle on top of Maddie I panic then I see the bottle I got up and knocked him over in the head with it Maddie then kicked him in his you know. Maddie grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs and out the door we ran till are legs couldn't take it anymore. "We're out we are out of that hell hole" I speak up after we found an abounded apartment where no one lived in. "Yeah we are but how are we gonna survive?" Maddie says " I don't know let's just see" we got comfortable and fell asleep.

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